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Wrapping Up The Christmas Walk


It takes a Village . . . Yes, it’s getting to be a worn out and overused phrase.  But when it comes to putting on the James A. Garfield Historical Society’s Christmas Walk, it’s so true.  Every-other year, our Village pulls together in countless ways to support the historical society and promote our local businesses. 

We thank the crews that put up the holiday banners and the wreaths, the merchants who got in the Christmas Spirit immediately after Halloween, and the homeowners and their hosts and hostesses who entertained 121 people on Candlelight Night, and 1,632 people over the two weekends.  Thank you to everyone who decorated the homes, helped staff the Candlelight festivities, and sold tickets for us.  Thank you to all who put up and took down signs, and thank you to the Villager, the Record Courier, and the Community Journal for special coverage.  Thank you for the use of the craft show location, and to all those who organized, set-up, and staffed the show.  Thanks to all at St. Ambrose who fed the hungry walkers.  We couldn’t have done it without all of you.

The funds that are raised from this event support your historical society for two years.  Major expenses include utilities, insurance, and building maintenance.  The Mott Building is in need of some major repairs in the near future, and the continued success of our Christmas Walk is vital.  Thank you to all, and please come join us at our meetings the third Monday of each month.  Merry Christmas!


Anton Albert Photography