Fortis College – Ravenna Invites Business Leaders and Prospective Student to Experience State of the Art Meti-Man Simulation
Ravenna - Fortis College in Ravenna will host an open house at 3 p.m. on April 24 featuring a unique attraction that has revolutionized medical education. The campus is located at 653 Enterprise Pkwy., Ravenna (330-297-7319). As part of the event, attendees will get to see and interact with Fortis College in Ravenna’s technologically advanced METIman patient simulator. METIman is...
Portage County Health Department’s First Annual Open House
Ravenna - The Portage County Health Department held its 1st annual open house April 2, 2013. “This was a chance to introduce the public to our staff and to educate them on the services we provide for them every day,” said DuWayne Porter, Health Commissioner. The open house provided residents with many hands on events including getting their blood pressure...
Music Lovers Take Note
Music lovers, seekers after interesting stuff,…here’s your calendar of events coming up in the Hiram College Music department; you’re all invited. Tuesday, April 2--7:30 p.m.--Hayden Auditorium --Wind Ensemble, Ken Young, conductor Thursday, April 4--12:15-1:15 p.m.--Frohring Recital Hall --Spring Honors Convocation--outstanding student performers Thursday, April 4 --7:30 p.m.--Hiram Christian Church --Alexis Alvorado, Junior Recital Friday, April 5--7:30 p.m.--Hiram Christian Church --Spring Choral Concert--Dawn Sonntag, conductor Sunday, April 7--3:00 p.m.--Hiram...
Candlelight Winery Holds Adult Egg Hunt
Nelson Twp. - When folks think of Easter eggs hunts they think of children and their Easter baskets anxiously waiting to find the eggs, but the Easter egg hunt at the Candlelight Winery Saturday night was just a little different. They had eggs and even a few Easter baskets but the folks carrying the baskets and going on the...
Duvall Receives USBC Award
Garrettsville - Melissa Foy Duvall received the USBC Award for Eleven Strikes in a Row in the King’s Queens League at Sky Lanes. She started with a spare and finished with the eleven strikes. Actually she had 14 in a row as she started the second game with three strikes. Missy’s series was an all time high of 676 with...
Weather Didn’t Hamper Easter Carnival
Mantua - Scads of kids went to Crestwood Primary School this past Saturday. Yes, they willingly came to school on the first Saturday of spring break, but their motivation was anything but academic. On their minds were eggs, candy, Easter baskets and carnival games -- and they were not disappointed. The Leo Group, part of Lions Club International, sponsored a...
Newton Falls Community Easter Egg Hunt
Newton Falls - Despite the very cold weather in the week preceding, Saturday, March 23, was a great day for the 60th Newton Falls Community Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by the Girl Scouts. A cool, but sunny day made the crowd a little less than previous years but gave those attending a bigger haul of prizes. Over 7000...
Rotary Report
Garrettsville - The members of the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club are getting their stuff together. Organizing is the name of the game. Task sheets, planning outlines, continuity, transparency, alacrity are all part of the plans. They’re hoping to promote the student exchange programs of Rotary, having found such success with Jessica Lyons and the Lyons family this year with her experiences in...
The Game’s Afoot, Watson!
Garrettsville - After the very well-executed refurbishing of the façade on Garrettsville’s Main St., other projects and proposals may be coming to life. Watch the space between the Windham St. bridge and Water St. The upright portion--once-upon-a-time the Foote Carriage Company, most recently Pauls’ Feed Mill--is apparently, basically, sound and of historical interest. The rear part--the part that...
Find Your Voice at Upcoming Forum
Shalersville - When Bill Baker learned that injection wells - those wells built for long-term storage of the waste products of the hydraulic injection process, were to be drilled in targeted areas of Mansfield, Baker’s passion for citizens’ rights was ignited. For those unfamiliar with the process, an injection well is a vertical pipe in the ground into which...
Garrettsville–Hiram Rotary Report
Garrettsville - The Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club celebrated another successful Family Week by beginning to plan for another…and by extending thanks to all who contributed to that success--donors, contributors and sponsors, entrants, participants and winners (Everybody was a winner, really), directors, planners and members…the whole shootin’ match of ‘em. Back next year, bigger and better. The meeting, on March 11, 2013,...
Only Four More Days to Go!
Mantua Twp. - Ellie Foster Monroe’s Big Bash had just four more dates on the calendar--March 26, April 2, April 9, April 16--for all of you Mantua Township folks to stop in, free of charge, to see the facilities available at the Mantua Center School, lately acquired by the township trustees ( a purchase from the Crestwood Board of...
W.V.F.D. Dispatching Decision Delayed
Windham - The W.V.F.D. Fire Board met for their regularly-scheduled meeting on March 14, 2013 with all fire board members present along with Windham Village Council members, Cheryl Prem, Jena Miranda, and Rachel Barrett and Township Trustees Brian Miller and Jesse Wirick. Deb Blewett was also in attendance as a member of the fireboard and the village council. Council...
Mantua Village Garden Club starts its 78th Year
Mantua - The Mantua Village Garden Club, which was founded in 1935, kicked off it’s first meeting of 2013 at the home of Lea Lazar, with Helen Etling as hostess. Ten members shared in the noon pot luck luncheon, along with Mark Occhionero, owner of Top Garden Products, in Mentor. Mark, who is an Organic Nutrient Specialist, presented a program...
Portage County Needs Poll Workers for Primary Election
Ravenna – The Portage County Board of Elections is seeking energetic, civic-minded area residents to serve their community by becoming poll workers. While she does not believe the coming year will be as busy as last November’s presidential election, Director Faith Lyon said “Individuals can apply at any time – and we are always looking for good and thoughtful workers.” ...
It’s Easter Egg Hunt Time
Burton - Its Easter Egg Hunt time once again in Burton Village. Burton Village’s annual Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Saturday, March 30, 2013 in the park on the south end of the square. The hunt will start with the sound of an air horn promptly at 11:00 a.m. Children aged one (1) through six (6) are...
Tasty Event for Quilters Mixes in Some Spring Fun!
Nine Northeast Ohio quilt shop owners have come together to offer a ‘taste’ of their craft to attendees of the Quilters’ Fling “Sweet Treats Quilt Shop Hop.” The eighth annual hop is themed “Strips and Dips” and will focus on narrow batik fabric strips, and dip recipes to sample. The Sweet Treats Quilt Shop Hop will run from Wednesday, April...
Dr. Alan Coogan to speak at Mantua Rotary Club
Mantua - The Rotary Club of Mantua is excited to announce Dr. Alan Coogan will be their guest speaker on March 26. Dr Coogan is a retired petroleum geology professor with over 30 years teaching at Kent State University, and over 30 years as practicing attorney with a main focus on natural resources, oil, water, and pollution. Portage...
Mantua Amercan Legion to Meet April 4
Mantua - American Legion Auxiliary Unit 193 of Mantua will host the regular meeting of the Portage County Council on April 4, according to Beverly Guy, PCC President. The meeting will be held at the Mantua Post, 4808 E. Main at 7:00 pm. A Special Memorial Service for departed members will be held at this meeting. All Portage County units...
Passion Film at Kent Stage
Kent – The Light in Kent is sponsoring a screening of THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, Good Friday, March 29, 7:00 pm. The award-winning film will be shown at The Kent Stage, 175 E Main St. in Kent. Tickets are free and available at The Light ministry center, Logos bookstore or at the door on the day of the...
Carbon Nation
The Sierra Club invites you to join them at Hiram College on Tuesday, March 26th from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. in Room 123 in Gerstacker Hall to view the film, “Carbon Nation”. The event is free and open to the public--all local residents, Hiram College students, staff and faculty. There will be a discussion period following the screening. “Carbon Nation”...
Family Literacy is a Community Effort
Mantua - Twenty-five volunteers -- including one Cat in the Hat -- came from four area churches on one evening to help spread a message of family literacy at Crestwood Primary School (CPS). “We’re grateful to be invited into the school. Family Literacy Night is a great way for us to help children and families in our community,” stated Chad...
Geauga Lyric Theater Guild 2013 Summer Youth Workshops Announced?
The Geauga Lyric Theater Guild (GLTG), located in Chardon Square, has announced the youth workshops for this summer. There will be opportunities to explore the arts from ages four to seventeen.The GLTG combines youth and educational theater to teach students confidence, team-building, character, voice and artistic concepts within the framework of performing a production. Oh, and fun! The youngest actors...
Who is St. Baldrick?
Hiram - On March 23, a head-shaving fundraiser in honor of this fictitious saint will be hosted by the Hiram Fire Department Fire Fighter Association’s (HFDFFA). So why host an event -- especially one where people lose their hair -- for a fake saint? Because more children are lost to cancer in the U.S. than any other disease and...
Twentieth Century Club News
Members of the Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville and their guests were recently treated to a program presented by one of their talented members, Pat Amor, on the recently-renovated pipe organ in the Garrettsville United Methodist Church. The opening toccata was just a foretaste of the enjoyment to come. The presentation included interesting information on the technicalities of the...
Literary Club News
On February 13th the Literary Musical Club held their monthly meeting. Margaret Lappert and Betty Hamilton were our hostess and did the tables in Valentine theme with a red rose for everyone. We went over the new membership books and talked about upcoming programs. Sounds good! But to make it all happen, we need all the members to attend the...
The Lorax, Literacy and Quilts
Mantua - Nora Brandt makes quilts. Her self-described “addiction” began with a request made by her eldest daughter Meghan, who passed away at age 26 from ovarian cancer. Initially, her first creations were given to the newborn children of Meghan’s friends, so that even though Meghan couldn’t be there herself to hold them, they would have a tangible gift...
Part V: Books or Bytes? Looking at the Library of the Future
I like the way the pages feel and sound when you turn them and the way some books smell warm from decades of paper decay beneath the whorls imprinted from generations of turning, penciled notes in the margin small and fading. (Robert Andropolis) Depending on how old you are, this little excerpt either fills you with the nostalgic memory of...
First Book – Portage County Accepting Book Grant Applications
Ravenna – First Book – Portage County announced today it is accepting book grant applications from community groups and nonprofits. This spring, First Book – Portage County plans to grant out approximately 1500 new books to programs in Portage County. Teachers and directors of local preschools, day care, after-school, tutoring and mentoring programs are encouraged to apply on behalf...
Rotary Report
The last meeting involved gearing up for the district Four-Way Speech Contest coming up on March 23 at Aurora High School. Local high school speakers are urged to sign up to participate…cash prizes and good practice for real-world situations. The local competition will take place on March 18. Speak up, kids! The G-H Rotary Club also voted to make a...