Home Other Areas It’s Easter Egg Hunt Time

It’s Easter Egg Hunt Time


Burton – Its Easter Egg Hunt time once again in Burton Village. Burton Village’s annual Easter Egg Hunt will take place on Saturday, March 30, 2013 in the park on the south end of the square. The hunt will start with the sound of an air horn  promptly at 11:00 a.m. Children aged one (1) through six (6) are eligible to participate and are divided into three age groups: one-two, three-four and five-six. Be sure to bring a basket or bag to put the goodies in.

It is believed that Burton Village’s annual Egg Hunt is the oldest and longest running hunt in Geauga County. It has been traced back to starting with the Jaycees in 1959.

The Easter Egg Hunt is organized every year through the hard work of Lee and Jane Koroshes, who go out and purchase the variety of cookies, crackers, and candy along with prizes for each age group. Each age group contains thirty eggs and a special marked egg that represents a grand prize.

The Easter Bunny will hop into the park to greet the kids and be available for pictures, so remember to bring your camera.

This event takes place every year due to the generous donations and support of many local community organizations, local businesses and private individuals. If you would like to make a donation, you can mail a check to P.O. Box 318, Burton OH or place it in one of the donation cans the morning of the Egg Hunt.


Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography