
Cleveland Indians baseball history comes to life at Bainbridge Library

Join us at Bainbridge Library for an evening of entertaining baseball history surrounding northeast Ohio’s favorite team, the Cleveland Indians. Beachwood resident and baseball historian Scott H. Longert presents stories from his 2013 book The Best They Could Be: How the Cleveland Indians Became the Kings of Baseball, 1916 – 1920. Time: 7 p.m. Date: Thurs., March 13 Place: Bainbridge...

UH Geauga Medical Center receives American Heart Association’s “Get With The Guidelines – Stroke” Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award

Geauga County – University Hospitals (UH) Geauga Medical Center recently received the “Get With The Guidelines® – Stroke” Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award from the American Heart Association. The prestigious award recognizes the community hospital’s commitment to and success in implementing a higher standard of care by ensuring that stroke patients receive treatment according to nationally- accepted guidelines. UH Geauga...

Activities Galore at Windham Library

Windham - Windham Library invites kids of all ages to its storytime on Mondays at 10:30 am.   Storytime is an opportunity for both the parent and child to spend some one-on-one time enriching the child’s environment with stories, music, finger plays and movement. Celebrate the coming of spring with a “Spring Floral Wreath Craft”, March 10 through the 18th....

Newton Falls Cemetery Association News

Newton Falls - Newton Falls Cemetery Association met February 20, 2014 at the Newton Township Administration Building on Newton Falls-Bailey Road. Susan Montgomery was welcomed as a new member. Fund raising ideas were discussed for a cemetery project to be decided upon at the next meeting. Another cemetery walk was proposed but details will be finalized at a later...

Portage County farmer supports local 4-H through America’s Farmers Grow Communities

Ravenna – Local farmer Carrie Pfeiffer-Fiala has directed a $2,500 donation to the Outlaws 4-H. Funded by America’s Farmers Grow Communities, the donation will help the group assist members in their farming, along with educational endeavors related to the education, training and promotion of animal husbandry. Thanks to the support of farmers across the country, more than $3.2 million is...

Annual Sap’s-A-Risin’ Celebration is a Sure Sign of Spring

Middlefield - It’s hands-on, educational, inspirational and celebrational! Bring your family and friends out to Geauga Park District’s Sap’s-A-Risin’ for a taste of how maple sugaring has evolved since the Native Americans, then a taste of the sticky stuff itself. Sap’s-A-Risin’ is held from Noon - 4 p.m. on March 9, 16 and 23 at Swine Creek Reservation, 16004 Hayes...

Twentieth Century Club News

The ladies of the Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville met with their guests on February 20 in the Garrettsville United Methodist Church for Guest Night and the advance through the Dewey Decimal System, the 600’s, the Arts. The evening’s program was presented by well-known local musician, Dale Lacan.  His repertoire ranged across a selection of early(1920’s, ‘30’s, ‘40’s and such)...

J.A. Garfield Historical Society News

Garrettsville - The James A. Garfield Historical Society met at 7:30 p.m., February 17, 2014 in the historic Mott Building on Main St. in Garrettsville (The JAGHS meets on the third Monday of the month). Julie Thompson headlined the Old Business with her delineation of the anticipated program to observe the dedication of the commemorative plaque marking the Last Great...

Literary Music Club News

Literary Musical Club (LMC) held their meeting on February 12th. We were glad to see everyone since our January meeting was cancelled because of snow. We had installation of new officers. President Betty Hamilton, Vice President Margaret Lappert, Secretary Billie English, Treasurer Marguertte Strawman. Alma Jones did a nice job installing new officers. She presented each with a nice...

Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians are moving on from their successful Family Week activity to support for Rachel Schwan, our local International Student Exchange adventurer for the coming year.  With the very helpful  encouragement and mentorship of Carol Donley, Rachel is looking at the likelihood of spending the 2014-2015 school year in Thailand.  Part of the requirement for this is locating three...

Mantua Village Garden Club

The Mantua Village Garden Club will be resuming its meetings for the upcoming 2014 gardening season.  MVGC is one of the oldest established organizations in town, which was founded in 1935.  The first meeting of the year will be held at noon, at the home of president, Lea Lazar.  Members will enjoy a pot luck luncheon, to kick things...

Meet the Neighbors: Theater Ninjas present ‘[sic]’

Cleveland - Babette, Frank and Theo are three neighbors who are on the verge of life changing episodes in their individual lives. Babette is a writer trying to get her first book deal, Frank is trying to launch an auctioneering career and Theo is in the throes of trying to finish the composition of his roller coaster theme song....

Feinstein Challenge Begins March 1st

For the past 16 years Alan Feinstein has been giving away one million dollars each year to aid agencies throughout the country that are dealing with hunger issues. He does it because he believes, “Each of us was put here on earth to do what we can to help those in need.” His money started this campaign but each one...

Portage County Needs Poll Workers for Primary Election

Ravenna – The Portage County Board of Elections is seeking energetic, civically-minded area residents to serve their community by becoming poll workers. With the coming year’s elections for governor and other statewide offices, the need is critical. “We need thoughtful, respectful people to work the polls now more than ever,” Director Faith Lyon said.  The county needs around 600 volunteers...

Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians met on February 3, 20014 to look back with pride and a sense of accomplishment  on the 2014 incarnation of Family Week and its culmination in Family Fun Day ( see last week’s Villager) and to move on to planning a bigger and better event for next year.  Book the Balloon Man! This involved setting up a rubric...

Twentieth Century Club News

The Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville met on February 6, 2014 in the Garrettsville branch of the Portage County District Library as part of the theme for the year, Through the Year with Dewey (Dewey Decimal System, that is).  The roll call was answered by proposing what members felt would be fine new inventions for the betterment of everyday...

My FURRY Valentine

Ravenna - In celebration of the Valentine’s holiday and in hopes to increase adoptions, Portage APL is holding an adoption event, called My Furry Valentine. February 14-15, adopters will receive 14% off of cat and dog adoption fees (reg. fees for dogs are $150 and cats are $50).  Also, each animal adopted will go home with a brand new...

Time flies when you’re having fun…or not

Hiram - Hear ye!  Hear ye!  Richard W. and Evelynne Troyer Spencer have been married for seventy-five years!  That’s 75 years…that’s LXXV years( as their fellow Romans would have noted)…that’s 1001011 ( in digital/binary notation, more or less)….  That’s a lot! That’s an accomplishment.  That’s going to be celebrated on Saturday, February 22, 2014 at the Hiram Christian Church from...

Hiram College Welcomes HEROs Home

Hiram - Recently, on a brisk winter afternoon, Hiram College unveiled the Homefront Education Ready Op (HERO) Program at the Freedom Center; the first on-campus housing dedicated to veterans in the Midwest. Hiram College President Thomas Chema acknowledged, "We, as a country, are so fortunate to have these dedicated men and women.” Chema continued, “We, as a college, seek...

WomanSafe Announces Expanded Hours at “The Resale Shoppe”

Through funding initially provided by the Lake/Geauga Fund of The Cleveland Foundation, the WomenSafe Resale Shoppe has become a shopping destination.  Located at 12601 Chillicothe Road, Chesterland (in the Drug Mart Plaza) the Resale Shoppe greets shoppers Wednesday 10:00am-5:00pm, Thursday 10:00am-7:00pm, Friday 10:00am-5:00pm and Saturday 10:00am-4:00pm. Beginning in February the Shoppe will expand hours to include Tuesdays from 10:00am-5:00pm.  “WomenSafe...

Garrettsville Knights of Columbus Announce Free Throw Winners

Garrettsville - Out of 51 participants, these sharpshooters had the most baskets made. Anthony DeNigris hit 13 out of a possible 15 in this age group, while Derek Miller, Billy Criblez and Sam Biltz all made 12 out of 15/ in their tie breaker round, Derek came in first place, making 4 out of a possible 5 shots. It...

J.A. Garfield Historical Society News

Garrettsville - The James A. Garfield Historical Society met on January20, 2014 in the historic Mott Building on Main St., Garrettsville for their regularly-scheduled (third Monday of each month) meeting…plenty to talk about. The mills of the gods grind slowly and so do the proceedings of the Ohio Historical Society.  Cash greases the wheels in all too many situations and...

Calling All Brides to Be

Warren - Join us for The Hippodrome's 2nd Annual Bridal Showcase on February 9th, 2014 from 1-5 pm.  The show will feature over 25 of the area's finest wedding specialists, all here to help you plan your perfect day. Plan on speaking to photographers, event planners, bridal fashions and tuxedo specialists, Dj's and many more. Sit back and relax and enjoy...

Join us for Winter Reading at Reed Memorial Library

Ravenna - Avoid the doldrums of winter and participate in a fun program at your local public library. The theme for Reed Memorial Library’s 2014 Winter Reading Program is “Destination: Anywhere.” Adults and Teens will have a chance to win prizes from February 17 through March 17, 2014. For every book you check out...

Village of Middlefield Market Analysis Wins Competition

Middlefield -  For more than two years, the Middlefield Economic Development Committee (EDC) has been aggressively promoting the Village of Middlefield on a state and national level with the goal of attracting business and industry to the village. As a part of this initiative, the Committee contracted Cleveland State University’s Community Planning Program Manager Kirby Date to develop a...

Two-Day Hiram College Symposium Celebrates Shakespeare

Hiram – Hiram College will celebrate William Shakespeare’s works and legacy through “Personal Encounters with Shakespeare: A Bissell Symposium,” Feb. 6-7, 2014.  The symposium will bring together literature scholars and theater professionals to discuss their own engagement with Shakespeare’s plays. In a series of sessions, they will talk with each other about what first excited them about the playwright, what...

Mantua’s Secret Attic Holds Treasures

Mantua - When Downtown Mantua Revitalization Corporation  (DMRC) member Mary Hannah saw the vacant storefront on Prospect Street in the Village, she came up with a plan to revitalize a little portion of the Village she loves so much. She also thought it could be a great venue to give locals a unique shop to find some unusual items....

Free Water Well Monitoring on Jan.27th

Hiram - Concerned Citizens Ohio/ Hiram free monthly private water well monitoring will take place on January 7th in the Community Room (downstairs) of the Hiram Christian Church, 6868 Wakefield Road, Hiram, OH 44234 (corner of State Routes 700, 82, 305). We will be using Sierra Club meters to test for “indicators” of water quality. For accurate readings, your sample...

It’s All About Family

Hiram - After an unexpectedly long Christmas break, the members of the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary met in the Dining Hall at Hiram College on January 13 to get moving on upcoming events and programs. Members were happy and proud to hear that Rachel Schwan has been selected for participation in the Rotary International Student Exchange program  for the 2014-2015 school year. ...

Retired Teachers Luncheon

Geauga County - The Geauga County Retired Teachers’ Association will hold its next luncheon gathering on Tuesday February 4th, 2014 at The Pilgrim Christian Church at 202 South Hambden Street on the Chardon Square. Attendees should arrive at 11:15 a.m. The business meeting will begin at 11:30 followed by lunch at noon. Chicken casserole, salad, rolls, beverages and dessert will...


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