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It’s All About Family


Hiram – After an unexpectedly long Christmas break, the members of the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary met in the Dining Hall at Hiram College on January 13 to get moving on upcoming events and programs.

Members were happy and proud to hear that Rachel Schwan has been selected for participation in the Rotary International Student Exchange program  for the 2014-2015 school year.  Her exact destination will be the subject of a later announcement.  Preparations are under way.  Adventure!

Students in the Garfield and Windham school districts will be recruited for participation in the 4-Way Speech Contest coming up this spring.  Any pupils interested in being part of this competition—for recognition and cash prizes—should contact their Rotarians or their language arts/speech teachers for more information.

Power of the Pen, sponsored by Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary, was held at James A. Garfield Middle School on Saturday, January 18 and Amy Crawford  presented the  awards.

rotary-familyAnd it’s all about FAMILY WEEK!  Dates are January 26-February 1.  Sponsors and contributors are still welcome.  The kick-off event will be the Family Music Festival on Sunday, January 26th at the Iva Walker Auditorium  in James A. Garfield Middle School/High School at 2:00.  Performers range from local success story, Russ Nottingham to the “iffy” talents (If you’re not too picky) of Pastor Rick and his merry band from the Nelson United Methodist Church, from  vocal to instrumental.  Contests in art, in photography/scrapbooking, in essay-writing are all open to contestants of all ages.  Materials are out, invitations  are general, entering is encouraged.  Saturday, February 1, 2014, will be Family Fun Day at the James A. Garfield Elementary School.  Prizes for the various contests will be distributed, crafts for kids will be available, activities ( the Bounce House, for example) will be on tap and the Balloon Man will be circulating to add to the fun.  Y’all come, now!

Assistant District Deputy Governor, George Schumacher was in attendance with information concerning the possibility of putting together a project within the Portage County Cluster—Garrettsville-Hiram, Kent, Aurora, Mantua-Shalersville and Ravenna—with a focus on Maplewood Career Center, perhaps resulting in scholarships or other encouragements.

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary meets on Monday evenings (5:30, dinner, 6:00, meeting) in the Dining Hall at Hiram College.  The club is ACTIVE all of the time.  New members are always welcome.


Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography