
Thank You from the Garrettsville People Tree Sharing Program 2024

Your donation provided toys and food for 170 Families (approx 1,000 people) We would like to THANK everyone in our amazing community for coming together to help provide over 290 children something to open Christmas morning. We had so much help to make this season so successful. A BIG THANK YOU TO IGA and Value Foods for allowing our bell ringers...

Thank you

The family of Robert A. Andrews would like to thank everyone for their heartfelt condolences, cards, food, flowers and charity donations. Special thanks to Dr. Jeff Ellerhorst at Total Lifetime Care Center and Green Funeral Care for their help and compassion in easing our family’s loss of our beloved father and grandfather. Sincerely, The Family of Robert Andrews

Vote Yes on Issue 42 on Election Day!

On November 5, 2024, Community EMS District will be asking voters to support Issue 42, a 2-mil levy to add additional staffing to better serve those who call for an ambulance in their time of need.   What is the EMS District? The Community EMS District is a 3 representative Board (one delegate from the village and each township). This...

Bridging Education and Commerce: The Ravenna Business Advisory Council’s Impact on Student Success

The Ravenna School District established a Business Advisory Council (BAC) in the summer of 2022. In an effort to merge the needs of the different businesses with the work of the school district, a mission and vision statement emerged that bonded the two entities together in their work to create a diverse, yet competent workforce. The Mission Statement -...

Letter to the Editor

I am writing to you as the Chairman of the Mantua Potato Festival Committee, with a heartfelt request to bring an urgent matter before the eyes of our beloved community through your esteemed publication. For over 50 years, the Mantua Potato Festival has been a vibrant thread in the fabric of our village’s life. It is a celebration that goes...

Letter to the Editor

Middlefield’s March Forward: A Message from Mayor Ben Garlich Welcome to spring. If this continues, we will be mowing lawns in March. I’m not especially fond of cold weather, personally, and from a Village operational cost as well. Our salt usage this year as well as snowplow maintenance and labor hours has been the most cost-effective winter in many years....

Letters to the Editor

Thank you from the Garrettsville People Tree Your 2023 donations provided toys and food for 195 Families  We would like to THANK everyone in our amazing community for coming together to help provide over 275 children something to open Christmas morning.  We had so much help to make this season so successful.   A BIG THANK YOU TO IGA and Save  A Lot...

State of Middlefield Village

I seem to be in a rut. It seems I start every article talking about the weather or season. It seriously looks like we just had our ceremony to honor the soldiers that gave the ultimate sacrifice protecting our freedom, and now I am making Labor Day plans. One of the freedoms they fought and died protecting was our...

Letters To The Editor

Dear Editor,I am writing to thank Garrettsville??-area residents for sharing the true meaning of Christmas with children in need this past holiday season.Generosity throughout contributed to a successful shoebox gift collection season at drop-off locations for the Samaritan’s Purse project Operation Christmas Child. Across the U.S., the project collected over 9.3 million shoebox gifts in 2022. Combined with those...

Letter To The Editor

Dear Editor,I just wanted to thank the newspaper, and Stacy, for featuring folks with different abilities. Maggies helped us with furniture, representation, and realizing we are safe when we first glanced for housing by whim and whimsy. They deserve all the support! After a perilous journey, my wife and I moved into Hiram in July… and i wanted to reflect...


Letter To The Editor: I am completely offended by your article in the Villager (Sept 2,2022). As the parent of a transman, I’d like you to know that MJ was harrassed at school by teachers, administrators and fellow students because he did not follow gender norms. He did not grow up to swing in trees or to be an ape. He worked for...

Thank You From The People Tree

The 2021 People Tree season has been put to bed.  Our community has successfully come through to support each other again this year.  We were able to serve over 165 families with our Christmas program, providing food and gifts to make the Holidays a little brighter.  Throughout the year, we have been able to provide school supplies, clothing, medical...

Thank You Mantua!

Mantua - The Dollar General (Mantua Corners) would like to say thank you to Kuhnle Brothers, Fall & Stebbins, Mantua coffee shop,Shalersville/Mantua Fire department, police department and the Ohio highway patrol. Our toy drive was a great success. We had so many many toys! We were able to help many families for Christmas. Thank you Mantua residents -- you made...

Wear Your Mask

Dear Weekly Villager, My name is Grayson. I am a 15 year old scout from Troop 575. I wanted to express my opinion about masks and people not wearing them. I think it’s weird how people want this virus to be over but don’t wear their masks and quote fake science for their evidence on why they aren’t wearing a...

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,The family of Margaret Paul would like to thank the community for their kind outpouring of sympathy, notes, cards and shared memories.At 96, hers is cetainly a life to be celebrated but it”s still hard for us to lose Mom, Grandma, Grams and Great Gram.She touched so many lives. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.Margaret Paul’s family Dear Editor,Due to...

Letters To The Editor

Dear Villager, Thanks so much for continuing to keep The Villager operating to update us on the news around the Village and surrounding areas! Thanks to Iva Walker for continuing to find humor in life and giving us something to laugh about in this challenging time! Thanks to Pochedley’s for introducing “plant pick-ups”. It is good to know that flowers and veggie...

Message from the Editor

Dear Readers,  Thank you for picking up this edition of The Villager.   As you can see, there are some temporary changes being made to our layout for the time being while we adjust to the ever changing environment we are living in.  For the immediate future, we will not be printing  the invited listing so we can provide some additional  story...

Thank You

Crestwood 4C’s Food Cupboard would like to thank all the individuals, organizations and churches for supporting us for 38 years. Your generosity has helped us serve 1,044 families, 539 seniors, 1,387 adults and 929 children in 2019. We are grateful to Hilltop Christian Church, in Mantua, for the use of their building. We are open weekly Monday, Wednesday and...

Thank You

Our family would like to thank everyone that sent cards, food and their sympathy at the loss of my wife Karen Phillips.  Thank you to Carole and Aaron King of  Cal’s Restaurant for hosting the funeral dinner for us and thank you to the annonymous donor that helped pay for the dinner. Thank you to Art -n- Flowers for...

Letter From the Editor

Welcome to 2020! I hope that you had a wonderful holiday filled with family, friends, love and laughter. Entering into the new year, I wanted to take a moment to thank you, our readers, for making the choice to pick up The Villager each week, reading our articles on-line and sharing them on social media. For over twelve years, I...

Thank You

The Garrettsville Baptist Cemetery Association extends a great big thank you to all the people who attended the training session this weekend at the cemetery and  volunteered to work on cleaning many of the very old and delicate gravestones and obelisks in the historic cemetery. And another huge thank you to the men who gathered on Sunday morning to trim ...

Thank you from the Sunday Oldies Jukebox

The Sunday Oldies Jukebox would like to thank ALL who participated in the 2019 Membership Drive .. the individuals who became supporting members, the DJs, the volunteer staff who took the calls and the businesses (too many to name, but on our website) who donated the great gifts and prizes, also the newspapers who helped get the word out....

In response to the article “Say Yes to Education”

Dear Editor, In response to the article “Say Yes to Education” in your March 8, 2019 edition paper by Hiram College president Lori Varlotta, I would like to point out to her that she doesn’t need to go all the way to the City of Cleveland, over 35 miles away, to find at risk high school students who would qualify...

Thank You From The Crestwood 4C’s

Mantua - Crestwood 4C’s Food Cupboard would like to thank all the individuals, organizations and churches for supporting us for 37 years. Your generosity has helped us to serve between 200 and 300 people each month. We also provide a Christmas meal for families. We are grateful to Hilltop Christian Church, in Mantua, for the use of their building. ...

Candlelight Christmas Service Invitation

This year will be my wife, Pastor Janie and my ninth year celebrating Christmas with the First Congregational Church of Freedom. This will be our final Christmas services with them as we are being called by our Lord into retirement at the end of the year. Please join us on December 23 at 6:30 pm for the Candlelight...

Immeasurable Gratitude from the JAG Schools

Two words….immeasurable gratitude As Thanksgiving approaches we want to share our deepest thanks to EVERYONE for the passage of Issue 8. Thank you for being such a supportive community. Thank you to the residents of Hiram, Charlestown, Nelson, Freedom and Garrettsville for believing in how we put your kids first. Thank you to all of the organizations that support our...

Thank You Garfield Community!

On behalf of myself and members of the James A. Garfield Board of Education, we would like to thank the community members of Freedom, Garrettsville, Hiram Township, Nelson and Charlestown for your support in the passage of Issue 8. Thank you for securing and stabilizing the future of our schools. We now have a clear path to...

Regarding Issue 8

Editors Note: Having been to many of the over 40 public meetings held by the Issue 8 supporters, it has never been presented that Issue 8 is not a tax increase. Numerous presentations included examples of homes with multiple wage earners.

Support Our Schools on November 6

Dear James A Garfield District Residents, Why do I bother to ask you to consider supporting our very good schools? I still bleed black and gold while wanting our quality schools to continue. The schools have come a long way in the last 25 years which benefits students and the community. I feel good that many healthy heartfelt relationships were...

Kudos to the JAG Schools from Klamer

I’m so impressed with what I observe of the James A. Garfield School District after five years into retirement and after 16 months of our relocation to northwest Ohio to enjoy our grandkids and their parents. I have noticed that the district continues to offer high quality educational opportunities, with the students working hard to take advantage of these...


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