Coming… Going… Gone!
Our local United Methodist churches–Garrettsville, Nelson, Windham– are joining up on September 29 for a joint potluck dinner/brunch following a combined worship service at 10:00 a.m. in the Garrettsville sanctuary. Everyone (with a dish) is invited; plates, napkins, tableware, beverages will be provided; there’ll be cake too. How can you lose? The whole extravaganza is about recognizing Rev. Fred...
JAG Students shine at Champions Day at Crestwood
On Friday, September 20, Mrs. Schweickert and her classroom aides took JAG students to Crestwood High School for Champions Day, where they joined students from 10 Portage County schools for a day full of athletic fun. Crestwood students ran the events, creating an environment of excitement, smiles, laughter, and pride that filled the day with joy. A big thank you...
We’re All Invited
Craft Show Vendors Wanted Call Today Craft Show Vendors are wanted for a show on Nov 8 from 4:30-9 and Nov 9th 9 - 3:00 at the Ravenna Elks Club 776 North Freedom Street Ravenna. Contact 330.697.8863 for an application. Cost is $55 and covers both days. Farmington Senior Center Breakfasts Mondays The Senior Center is open for breakfast Mondays from 7a-Noon. A full...
Shine on !
Does it seem that we’ve had more than our share of “moon events” lately?There was the total solar eclipse back on April 8 (Still finding eclipse glasses around the house are we?), where the moon passed in front of the sun and just left us slightly in the dark, and the birds very confused (They did not have glasses,...
Instead of Red or Blue, Why Not Purple?
As the election signs pop up in yards in local communities around the nation, the election season begins to heat up. Instead of focusing on whether preferred candidates are red or blue, one local faith community is choosing to direct their attention on where the two groups intersect. They prefer to focus on the purple, or where both groups...
First Down—Rubber Duckies!
WOWZAH! That ball game on Friday had folks in the crowd looking for animals proceeding, two-by-two, toward the exits somewhere out by the end zones. Whooee ! Haven’t seen a ballgame that wet in SOME time. There was no rainbow, but we were certainly going to survive–eventually. Dark as the inside of a goat (old Groucho Marx joke : ”Books...
Old Yeller at Dunkin’ Donuts
No, I’m not an old yellow dog, but yes, I am old and apparently, I sure do yell. He said (towards the microphone outside his car), “What did you say? I want double cream and...” She responded, “Okay. I’ll talk louder. Sir, could you get closer to the microphone? I’m having trouble understanding you.” He: Lady, maybe it’s on your end. I...
Two down, one to go!
Fairs, that is, bumpkins. I have now hit the Lorain County Wellington Fair and the Portage County Randolph Fair and am seriously planning (requires working around volleyball games, choir practice, football games, historical society meetings, doctor’s appointments and the bloodmobile, for starters) to hie myself off to catch the Great Geauga County Fair up in Burton. Notice that the first...
Cancel “the Carlson Thing!”
Thanks to an amazing turn-out of care and concern (including the arrival of “the Squad” at the conclusion of the early service at Garrettsville United Methodist Church, manned in part by a former student behaving in a most professional manner as he stuck sensors of various sorts on portions of my bod that I’m sure he never thought he’d...
Why you should let Debord’s buy your old Heating & Air Conditioning System
DeBord’s One Hour Heating and Air Conditioning will provide up to $2,171 in discounts and rebates toward the purchase and installation of a new Premier or Optimum Home comfort System. This is the best time in 2024 to exchange your home’s heating and air conditioning system with a new, super efficiency model that saves up to 40% on your...
The Name Game
“Who dat?”“Who dat say ‘Who dat?’“Who dat say ’Who dat?’ say “Who dat?”Back in the Dark Ages of vaudeville entertainment this was a routine which could have ‘em rollin’ in the aisles We will not even get into the particulars of the ethnicity of the speakers involved–not acceptable by current standards, but the question remains :”Who?”Remember that when you...
Mostly Miscellany
I hope that the various vendors, wandering wine-tasters and customers of all descriptions will have judged the recent “Sip & Shop on Main” event to have been a success and make it a point to return next year–if, indeed, it does return. It was a fine day for being out in town and seeing something new to do. For...
A Perfect Day: Opening of the Dorothy and Corbett Walker Memorial Bike & Hike Trail
Pretty darned great day all through, if I do say so myself. July 20, 2024 saw the ribbon-cutting for the opening of the Dorothy and Corbett Walker Memorial Bike & Hike Trail, connecting Findley State Park (on St. Rte. 58) and the Wellington Reservation of the Lorain County Metroparks System(on Jones Rd.)--old stomping grounds for some of us and...
“Over My Dead Body”
Or words to that effect....the topic of a recent program presented at the Freedom Historical Society on July 19, 2024 at their lovingly-restored Drakesburg School #2...all about cemeteries and, specifically, headstones, their features and care.The topics covered included cemetery law in Ohio (The states are all different, even the counties and townships have their own regulations for their facilities.),...
Dealing with Negative Feedback
Running a business involves dealing with feedback, both positive and negative. While negative feedback can be challenging, it can provide unique opportunities for growth and improvement. The following are ways to deal with it with patience, tact and a proactive approach. • Identify the Source: Negative feedback can come from customers, employees, or even partners. It is essential to recognize...
The hinges of where now?!
H-E-double toothpicks, you say? Wowzah! I guess so. My car temperature reading was 92. My house all-purpose thermometer (date, time, indoor/outdoor air pressure, humidity) showed that I was escaping from 93 degrees outside and lolling about in just 77 measly degrees–the air conditioning was set at the recommended 78 degrees to avoid overtaxing the cooling system and costing me beaucoup bucks...
June 21st Kicks off Shades for Migraine National Campaign
Amidst the heatwave taking over Northeast Ohio, this week also marked the start of summer and the summer solstice, the longest day of year in which we had the most light on June 20. June is headache and migraine awareness month, and today, Shades for Migraine encourages people to show support for those who suffer from migraines by wearing...
Y? Y not!
Why not ? We are in real danger of losing the operation of the Garrettsville Family YMCA. This is NOT because of lack of activity at the operation, contrariwise, it is more because of the many and varied activities going on there that are, increasingly, more than staffing can support. One person, basically, is being asked to handle, manage,...
Head’s Up Bikers!
Naw, not you leatherjacket, totally-tattooed, scoff-law tough guys (and gals) who go roaring through wide spots in the road, hell-bent on scaring the beejeesus out of rural observers; you can just disregard this message. I’m talking here to the more sedate–slow, even–three-speed, ten-speed, fifteen-speed on a good day, peddlers that populate bike paths ‘round and about this neighborhood and...
On Memorial Day
Can we talk HEROES ?...the ones we honor here today, who gave what Abraham Lincoln called their “last full measure of devotion” , the ones who–as we sing in “America the Beautiful”–“more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life,” as well as those whose heroism has been of a quieter, less tragic but equally significant nature...
It’s All Relative!
Relatives , that is. Relatives and friends and neighbors and classmates and teachers and stray passers-by…we’re talkin’ OPEN here. Bud. It is officially Open House Season. Graduation is coming right up over the horizon, invitations are going out–informal/verbal or online or accompanying graduation announcements or in full-page ads in the public prints, for all I know. Catering establishments are being...
Unveiling Our Roots: A Journey Through Time
In celebration of the Great Reveal of the 100-year-old time capsule, the James A. Garfield Historical Society is releasing a new book! “Time Capsule Opening-Unveiling Our Roots…and providing a glimpse of the present for the eyes of the future.” The book, “Time Capsule Opening” not only explains the beginning of the time capsule, but also includes the history and highlights of...
A Century Old Legacy: Celebrating the Ravenna Thursday Literary Club
There are birthdays…and there are BIRTHDAYS (Notice the capital B, et al.) Recently, at the Reed Memorial Library, in the Haymaker Room downstairs, the Thursday Literary Club of Ravenna met to celebrate its 100th year of exploring society through books, discussing timely topics and contributing to community at all levels, beginning with a simple invitation from a friend to meet...
The New American Dream: No kids?
60s, the question "It’s 10 p.m. Do you know where the children are?" was a common PSA on the evening news. Fast forward to 2024, and the question has shifted to "Where are all the moms?" Last week, Fortune shined a spotlight on a coming seismic shift in societal norms – the inclination among Millennials and Gen Z to live...
Heck of a word, eh? Followed closely by catastrophe, catastrophism, catatonia and cat-a-wampus( next column in my Webster’s New World College Dictionary has catchpoll, catechesis and catechin–totally unrelated). Amazing what words are out there, just waiting to be used, if only we had some idea what they meant. In any case, all of this came up when I thought that...
Wet enough for ya?
Well, the saying goes, “April showers bring May flowers. “ Right?That being so, my yard and everybody else’s for that matter, should be resembling the Amazon rainforest. Of course, the late-season plunge down to frost warnings may have put the kibosh on that scenario, at least temporarily. All of this “El Nino” weather fluctuation may have confused some of...
Aaaaand we’re off !
It’s that time of year again. That time when Spring has–sorta–come but Winter makes occasional encore appearances, indoor sports are, basically, over and everybody heads outside–where the rain is, and athletic directors everywhere are living on their communication devices–scheduling, scheduling, re-scheduling, re-scheduling, contemplating cancellations. Bus drivers are stuck waiting to see whether they’re off for a trip or not or...
The Disney Chronicles: Part II
Ever been on a bus or a similar crowded situation with “wound-up” young persons when singing (and other such expressions of high spirits) breaks out and at some point, there is a raucous announcement of what is to come, namely : “Second verse! Same as the first! A little bit LOUDER and a little bit WORSE!”...? Well, here’s verse...
Democracy, Disney and other March Madness
Anybody else remember that sort of current events/comedy show from back in the Dark Ages? “That Was The Week That Was”? Well, I just had one of those that was about ten days long. What a ride…literally! Not even including the regular third Monday of the James A. Garfield Historical Society, though not including it would mean skipping over the...
We’re off to see the Wizard… er the Mouse!
Heading off to the Magic Kingdom, or whatever they call it in Florida. I really don’t know, having never been there. I’m hoping that enjoyment of the place will not be based solely on “riding the rides”, because I have not been on one of those things since godknowswhen, some time back when I was young and foolish (Only...