
Treating Your Employees Well

You might think that, with currently high unemployment rates, it will be an employer’s market forever. But, you would be wrong. Even today, as unemployment remains stubborn, some industries are having difficulties filling their job openings. Today, your industry could be in a buy or sell mode as far as attracting top employees is concerned. But there will come a...

Law & Government

Since it is Christmas, we are shopping.  For most of us, that also means we do not have much money and so we shop with credit cards.  Some stores offer “zero interest” on a purchase or on a credit card.  But be cautious!  Read the fine print and get all of the details. I had a client recently who made...

“Can you help me? I got a Christmas card, I can’t read the signature, and I don’t recognize the return address…”

The lady on the phone asked, “Can you help me?  I got a Christmas card, I can’t read the signature, and I don’t recognize the return address. I tore off the label and my dog ate it. All I can remember was her first name was Ruth, and she lived on Clinton Avenue in Paddle, Oklahoma. It’s driving...

Quick, check the calendar! Is it winter yet?

Wholeeee Snowleee!  When the real thing hits, It’s gonna be “Bessie bar the doors!” if this is just the preview.  Wouldn’t you know that this exercise in inclemency--weather division--happens in the year that the powers-that-be down in Columbus, where the sun never sets, have decreed that there will be only three snow days.  Kiss the early end of school...

Do Things Talk To You?

Do things talk to you?  You know, THINGS, do they address you with plaintive tales about their origin, the treatment that they should get, a recital of their finer qualities, a subtle urging to purchase more of their little friends? With all of the buying going on, I think that I must have just run into more of these than...

Puppy Tails

A beautiful morning awaited Doodle Dog as he wandered down the main street of town. Chasing leaves had been so much fun, but now he wanted to take his time and see everything there was to see. The crisp air turned just a bit colder which meant winter would soon be here! As Doodle Dog turned the corner from...

Notes From The Vineyard

It’s been a good year, actually, let me rephrase that – it’s been a GREAT year! Sure, this year has definitely put up a good fight for us... we’ve survived some bad economic times, we’ve dealt with a loss of crop from a late freeze last year, we’ve dealt with losses of loved ones this year but as I...

Law & Government

A friend recently had a fire at her home.  Fortunately, no one was injured.  It did cause lots of damage and has left our circle of friends all pitching in to untangle an insurance claim.  Few things in my legal career have been as frustrating as insurance claims.  The following should help if you ever have a claim. 1. The...

“I was looking at a magazine and I saw this little ceramic bird stuck in the middle of a pie. Can you tell me anything about it?”

“I was looking at a magazine and I saw this little ceramic bird stuck in the middle of a pie.  Can you tell me anything about it?” Some members of the Newton Falls Public Library staff were familiar with this cute item known as a pie bird, but having some personal understanding about a topic does not always supply...


No flies on us last weekend.  The place was hoppin’.  Basketball games all over the place; Geauga Theater opened its holiday run of “It’s A Wonderful Life”; Santa and his clones--you know they’re all the REAL Santa wherever they are--were breakfasting and eating pizza and just chatting with the younger set at several venues ‘round and about; the Home...


The expression “oops” is a very useful one. However, there are times when one really, Really, REALLY does not wish to hear it...or even speculate upon what might be the occasion for its use.  In surgery, for instance, “oops” is not a good omen, nor is it in some aspects of cooking--the addition of chili peppers, perhaps, or garlic...

Top 5 gifts for wine lovers

As is my yearly tradition, my husband and I were one of the insane that went shopping on Black Friday. For us, it’s not about getting the hottest deal or the newest electronic gadget; for us, it’s about getting all of our Christmas shopping done. We have a pact with each other that we cannot come home until we...

Puppy Tails

Several months ago, a little floppy-eared puppy found his way to the office of The Weekly Villager. The editors immediately fell in love with him and didn’t want him to leave. Turns out the puppy didn’t want to leave, either! When I started working for the paper, Doodle Dog decided he liked me best and wanted to...

If It Weren’t For Bad Luck…

Well. It’s official : If it weren’t for bad luck, I wouldn’t have any luck at all...when it comes to gambling, that is.  On all other fronts I’d say that I’m ‘way ahead of the game. The LAF/SOMe expedition to the Bright Lights/Big City bus trip to Wheeling Island ( O.K., I lied about the big city part) Casino and...

We have a patron who needs a wiring diagram for a 21-foot 1976 Starcraft boat. Is there a library that has this information?

The Newton Falls Public Library recently received the following email query. “We have a patron who needs a wiring diagram for a 21-foot 1976 Starcraft boat.  Is there a library that has this information?” Libraries are very good with sharing information and on occasion the staff of the Newton Falls Public Library gets requests such as this one from...

Sparkling wines during your get-togethers

By now you probably have had your share of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberries and desserts! But if your family is like mine you also have enough leftovers from dinner to have a second Thanksgiving dinner. Whether you are serving turkey sandwiches, turkey chili, turkey soup, turkey frittatas or just plain turkey there are so many ways you can...

Christmas Walk Finale

The Christmas Walk must be over; a cat just upchucked on the carpet. They’ve been ticked off for two week-ends now at being shut down in the basement. The saying is that “revenge is sweet” but that’s not quite how I’d describe this ( I’ll spare you how I would describe it.). All-in-all, that’s pretty small potatoes compared to what...

Notes From The Vineyard: Sake is quiet different than South Korean rice wine…

In last week’s article I mention how I sampled a South Korean black raspberry rice wine. I had a number of people ask me why I called it rice wine and not sake. Many people assume that all sake wines are rice wines but after some research I found out that sake is quiet different than the South Korean...

One Down!

Whew!  Do you remember a TV program from ages ago called TW3 (That Was The Week That Was)? Well, tweak it just a little to That Was the Week-end That Was and you’ve got November 4th, 5th , 6th and 7th , 2010 at this establishment.  It was --literally and figuratively--really cool! Thursday, the evening candlelight tour opening date of...

Ask The Librarian: Someone I know was purchasing a fish at Wal-Mart and the cashier told her that the security gates would cause the fish to die?

“I had never heard this before, but someone I know was purchasing a fish at Wal-Mart and the cashier told her that the security gates would cause the fish to die.  It was suggested that she lift it over her head while walking through.” While the fish in the patron’s story survived she and the Newton Falls Public Library...

Why is a new ship christened with a bottle of champagne?

The caller on phone line number two wanted to know, “Why is a new ship christened with a bottle of champagne?” This is one of those practices that the Newton Falls Public Library staff is aware of, but never really thought of the reason behind it. Page 791 of Popular Beliefs and Superstitions: a compendium of American folklore: from the...

Der Tag…the Day is upon us!

It’s beginning to look a lot like....O.K., who left the Clint Eastwood glam pin-ups on the fridge?  Get them down right now and put them with the Chuck Klamer voodoo figurine...the one with the pins in it.  Put a red bow on the top; it’ll work. Yes, Virginia, there IS a Christmas Walk and it’s coming this way.  NOW! The outside...

EPCOT’s Food and Wine Festival

I recently had the chance to go back to Walt Disney World to check out the Food and Wine Festival at EPCOT. I have read many reviews and blogs discussing the festival but I never expected so much! If you ever get the chance to attend this festival, I highly recommend stopping at the Welcome Center as your first stop....

Sunshine Laws…

Since the election season has just passed, more attention than usual may be focused upon our government.   In Ohio, our state and local governments are an “open book” and the business of each governmental board is open to the public.  You may have heard references to the “sunshine laws.”  This generally refers to the statutory requirements that government...


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