I’ve got to get out more…
For any number of reasons, actually. I have always said that I should not be allowed to go shopping unsupervised. Especially GROCERY shopping. Good Grief ! the stuff that’s out there for sale ! And not at bargain prices either. Eggs are only the tip of the iceberg…and a real expensive ol’ berg it is, for sure. For somebody who...
Is this Groundhog’s Day or April first?
I never saw the movie, “Groundhog’s Day” but I gather that the premise of the whole thing was that the same events kept happening over and over again. Beyond that, I am totally ignorant (not that this doesn’t apply to a whole lot of situations as well.) of the point of the film. After the eleventeenth weather program warning...
The North Versus The South
I was presented the opportunity to try out the snowbird lifestyle for this current winter, i.e., getting out of the Ohio cold. I have been to Florida many times in my life and even as recently as last spring for rest and rehabilitation after another dreadful spine and neck surgery. From the doctors and medical staff came, “Don’t lift...
Somewhere, far away, Edison is weeping
The man had over one thousand patents, great and small, and I cannot get my television to work properly by the biggest football game of the season (not counting the Ohio State championship, which has already gone into the books…along with TBDBITL). I even went out and purchased an indoor antenna purporting to be effective up to 50 miles. ...
It’s a Heat Wave!
Well, it’s the closest thing we’ve seen for a while, anyway. According to the OFA (Old Farmer’s Almanac), Saturday, the 25th was the date of the traditional start of the “January Thaw”. None too soon, I say, but not much evidence of any major warming. Coming up this week we are likely to breach the 32-degree barrier and even head...
There’s Snow Goin’ Out There
Walking is on hold for the duration, I reckon. I may be occasionally not too bright (The jury is still out on that one.) but I am not crazy (There may be questions on that one too; discuss among yourselves. There may be a quiz later.). When the temperatures in the morning when I normally begin my perambulations gets...
Cold Enough for Ya?!
So…when did single digits on the thermometer become a “norm”? Good Grief ! I must say, the hill in back of the Y has got the biggest workout in some time; we’ve had several winters when the snow cover was not sufficient to make sledding a very pleasurable activity–who wants to go downhill in mud? Lately, of course, there...
Timeless Needs met with Compassion
As we enter the New Year, many of us reflect on how we can make a meaningful impact in our communities. It’s a time for new resolutions, fresh beginnings, and considering how we can give back to those who need it most. One incredible way to do this is by discovering the deeply rewarding experience of volunteering in hospice...
Old Age Irrelevance, Googles got us Covered
I don’t know why it rankled me so when I heard the phrase, but it did. Some throwbacks affect me these days that never affected me before. “My old lady will be chomping at the bit, blah, blah, blah!” So remarked the 41-ish worker casually installing a replacement dishwasher and having a conversation with his helper. Maybe it...
Rant ? Me???
Time for the annual...or semi-annual...or when I da—d-well feel like it... chance to point out the error of the ways of anybody not me. Such a list I’ve got !Let’s start with a commercial message...Not!You know how the prices of things have been going up while the portions have been going down? Well, here’s an example which I ran...
“Reserved” seating…
Having now attended many of the season’s offerings of drama, music, sport, church , community activities of various sorts, I’m again noticing how we–many of us–seem to have “our” seats that we tend to gravitate to whatever it is that’s going on. Same for parking places at the mall; if you always go in at the Dillard’s entrance ,...
Why Does My Water Taste Bad Even Though It Looks Clear?
Water seems like an incredibly simple thing, right? Two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom combine to create the most essential element in the whole world. It’s what fills oceans, rivers, ponds, lakes, and pools that make up a large percentage of every living creature’s body. Since its most central substance to our survival, you would think we would...
Seasons Greetings from the Villager
As the year winds down, we’re wrapping up our final issue of The Weekly Villager for 2024. It’s been a fantastic year bringing you the stories, news, and updates that matter most to our community. We want to thank you, our readers, for your continued support and engagement. A special thank you goes to our advertisers. Your continued support makes...
And to think…
…that winter–meteorological/astronomical/calendar-wise–is all of three weeks away (December 21, 2024) and about that long ago we were all marveling at how unseasonably warm it had been for, how long? And speaking of the Winter Solstice (December 21, 2024)--the shortest day of the year–before it even gets here, we get to experience the Full Cold Moon on the fifteenth. Bet...
Toy Trends for Kids
The holiday season is bringing a wave of innovative toys to stores as top brands unveil the most popular gifts for kids in 2024. This year’s favorites combine interactive play, collectibles, and creativity, targeting kids’ interests across various categories. Among the top choices is the furReal “Daisy the Yoga Goat”, which responds to movements with yoga poses, providing an engaging...
Walk On!
Yes, indeed. Another Christmas Walk has come and not yet gone. You’ve got time to finish it off in fine style if you hit the second weekend (November 15, 16, 17). Pray for the kind of weather the first weekend had…not counting Sunday, which was a tad damp, but three out of four days is a pretty good average....
Ho Ho Ho… How Much?
I have got to get out more. That’s going to be my approach to being gob-smacked by the prices of all sorts of things. Shop more, get more accustomed to seeing items of dubious value ( and I do mean dubious–possibly not long-lasting enough to survive the trip in the cart and through the check-out) placed on shelves and in...
Where Has The Gearshift Gone?
Nope. It’s not there. The gearshift is definitely not where it always has been, and it’s not between the seats either. Instead there is this T Shaped gismo stuck to the lower right side of the steering column. No, it doesn’t run the wipers. It’s the new way to shift the vehicle and put it in park. You don’t...
Boo! Who?
This is what happens when we have our Trick-or-Treat Night on an evening when nobody else around is having theirs: Lots o’ strangers showing up at our front porches, that’s what. Wowzah ! There were packs of ghosts’n’ goblins, dragons & dinosaurs, police and prisoners making their way up and down my street (It’s a great street for this...
Stocks posted modest gains last week, with quarterly earnings season in full swing and the election on the horizon.
The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index increased 0.85 percent, while the Nasdaq Composite Index rose 0.80 percent. The Dow Jones Industrial Average advanced 0.96 percent. The MSCI EAFE Index, which tracks developed overseas stock markets, fell 0.31 percent.1,2 Six In A Row Stocks bolted out of the gate as the week began. The S&P 500 and the Dow Industrials hit record...
Unexpected push back from a new senior relationship
What do you do when you have finally reached retirement age, and your loving spouse of many years has recently passed away? Perhaps you were even the main caregiver, and your own health suffered greatly, prematurely aging you during this time. Does this sound at all familiar to some of us baby boomers in our “golden years?” Oh Lord,...
Part III – Life as a Survivor
In June of 2023, I went on an Unwelcome Journey. I thank you for walking with me over the course of the last few weeks as I shared notes from my journal. If I have helped one person get checked, eased her mind or given hope, then this section has been a success. I met with my Oncologist again, following...
All Fired Up!
And I’m not talking about the fall colors and all that… though they are quite lovely, as usual. My pawpaw patch is a brilliant yellow—no fruit though. The maples are a pretty red (syrup isn’t all they’re good for). It’s autumn in Ohio for sure, but this is just the preface for all that’s coming down the pike, so...
Stocks advanced last week despite mixed inflation data, lurching oil prices, and lingering anxiety about the Middle East.
The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index gained 1.11 percent, while the Nasdaq Composite rose 1.13 percent. The Dow Jones Industrial Average picked up 1.21 percent. The MSCI EAFE Index, which tracks developed overseas stock markets, added 0.23 percent.1,2 Up And Down Week Stocks slipped on Monday as oil continued to rise but moved higher on Tuesday as the technology sector showed...
The Senior Circuit………….
UNEXPECTED PUSH BACK FROM A NEW SENIOR RELATIONSHIP What do you do when you have finally reached retirement age, and your loving spouse of many years has recently passed away? Perhaps you were even the main caregiver, and your own health suffered greatly, prematurely aging you during this time. Does this sound at all familiar to some of us baby...
Part II – Surgery and Radiology
Hello Dear Readers, as you know this is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Last week I shared my (heavily edited) diary of the events leading up to my diagnosis and treatment plan. This time I will take you through much of my surgery, what I remember, and the weeks following. I hope that my story can make another person’s story...
Part I – The Day My Life Changed: Diagnosis
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Trust me, I am aware. This month will see fundraiser benefits, reminders and everything in the world turning Pink. I would like to share my Unwelcome Journey with you. Though I was diagnosed and treated in 2023, my care continues. My goal is to educate and help people who have been touched by...
Wreathes Across America
Veteran’s Day is November 11, the day America honors those who serve, or have served at some point. Parades, special programs at schools, graveside ceremonies...all intended to honor and thank those who protect our freedoms. But their time, dedication and sacrifices aren’t limited to a single day, and many believe our displays of thankfulness shouldn’t be limited, either. Wreaths...
Be Careful!
As in, “Be careful what you ask for, you may get it.” Having passed the astronomical beginning of Fall (the Autumnal Equinox, September 22)( interesting note from the OFA–”As the wind and weather at the equinoxes, so will they be for the next 3 months”...think about that.)with a continued appearance of Summer (temps in the mid-to-upper 80’s, sunshine all day,...
Resurgence or Languishing
Are we on the brink of being put out to pasture? Or rather, are we entering into the most significant period of resurgence we’ve ever experienced? Who do we applaud? Do we admire those who hang up their careers and live for that 2 P.M. daily nap or those who have the gumption to start all over again –...