2013 Bark Bone-anza Charity Dog Walk
Aurora - On Sunday, May 19th, the City of Aurora’s Park & Recreation Department and Freedom Greyhound Rescue of Aurora invite you to paw-ticipate in the 2013 BARK BONE-ANZA CHARITY DOG WALK sponsored by Purina Pro Plan’s Rally to Rescue. The event is held at Tails and Trails Dog Park (adjacent to Sunny Lake Park) 841 Page Road in Aurora,...
Celebrate the Kentucky Derby at the Library
Join us at the Garrettsville Library as we celebrate the Kentucky Derby on Saturday, May 4 from 1:00 pm until 2:00 pm. Help celebrate the 139th running of the Kentucky Derby by wearing your best “Derby Day” hat. Also, create a bejeweled lucky horseshoe, win prizes, and learn about the Kentucky Derby with other great activities. For kids in...
DMRC Reverse Raffle on May 4
Do you have your ticket for the DMRC Reverse Raffle on Saturday, May 4 at Mantua K of C Hall? This event is the primary means of raising funds to cover the local match for a grant The Village received. The local share of new sidewalks south of the river is only 20%, if the project is completed when St....
We’re All Invited
Garrettsville Farmers Market Register Now Vendors are still being accepted. The cost for this year’s market has remained the same, $60.00 for the entire season. The Farmers’ Markets will run from July 24 through October 2 every Wednesday from 3:00 - 6:30pm in the Skylane Bowling Alley parking lot. Applications may be obtained by contacting Jackie Rinearson at rinearson05@frontier.com. Seeking Artisans! Register Today! The...
We’re All Invited
Garrettsville Farmers Market Register Now Vendors are still being accepted. The cost for this year’s market has remained the same, $60.00 for the entire season. The Farmers’ Markets will run from July 24 through October 2 every Wednesday from 3:00 - 6:30pm in the Skylane Bowling Alley parking lot. Applications may be obtained by contacting Jackie Rinearson at rinearson05@frontier.com. Seeking Artisans! Register Today! The...
We’re All Invited
Garrettsville Farmers Market Register Now Vendors are still being accepted. The cost for this year’s market has remained the same, $60.00 for the entire season. The Farmers’ Markets will run from July 24 through October 2 every Wednesday from 3:00 - 6:30pm in the Skylane Bowling Alley parking lot. Applications may be obtained by contacting Jackie Rinearson at rinearson05@frontier.com. Scholarship Offer Chiropractic Center...
We’re All Invited
CHS Reunion Labor Day Weekend The Crestwood High School Class of 1973 is planning its 40th class reunion. The reunion will be held Labor Day Weekend. We are in the process of forming a mailing list of all class members. If we can get e-mails it will greatly reduce our mailing costs for this event. If you can please e-mail that...
We’re All Invited
Vehicle Donation Now! Want to get rid of that old car, truck, van or motorcycle and have it picked up for free? Want a tax receipt for your donation? Want to have your vehicle picked up in 3 days or less? Then Call Big Brothers & Sisters (330) 296-6655 or visit our website at www.bbsportage.com. Running and non-running vehicles, from individuals...
The Triduum at Sts. Ambrose & Michael
Please make every effort to attend the beautiful liturgies on The Three Days (Triduum) of Holy Week: Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. The Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, March 28, will be at 7:00 p.m. (St. Ambrose). The Good Friday Liturgy of our Lord’s Passion, March 29, will be at 3:00 p.m. (St. Michael)...
We’re All Invited
Vehicle Donation Now! Want to get rid of that old car, truck, van or motorcycle and have it picked up for free? Want a tax receipt for your donation? Want to have your vehicle picked up in 3 days or less? Then Call Big Brothers & Sisters (330) 296-6655 or visit our website at www.bbsportage.com. Running and non-running vehicles, from individuals...
We’re All Invited
Garrettsville Farmers Market Register Now Vendors are still being accepted. The cost for this year’s market has remained the same, $60.00 for the entire season. The Farmer’s Markets will run from July 24 through October 2 every Wednesday from 3:00 - 6:30pm in the Skylane Bowling Alley parking lot. Applications may be obtained by contacting Jackie Rinearson at rinearson05@frontier.com. March Sermons Sunday Sermons...
We’re All Invited
JA Garfield Class of 1963 Save The Date It’s your time to shine. Its been 50 years. Let’s have a party on July 27, 2013 at Main Street Grille & Brewing Co. in Garrettsville. $25 per person. For more info call Judy Davison Toth 330-527-5443; Bobbie Rakouska Simera 330-527-2846; Bill McDowell 330-527-4006; Connie Hutchinson Johnson 330-673-7439; Jim Shoemaker 330-296-6692. Free Exercise! Sunday Evenings Co-ed...
We’re All Invited
Pancake Breakfast Sundays The Newbury Area Kiwanis Club will serve regular, blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. every Sunday morning in Feb at Newbury High School cafeteria. Breakfast includes coffee, orange or apple juice, milk, sausage and locally-produced maple syrup. Cost is $7 for age 13 and up, $4 for ages 3-12 and $23...
We’re All Invited
Contemplative Service Weds Evenings The entire community is invited to attend a Contemplative Service on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM. The half hour consists of music, silence, and prayer, with Scripture readings and Open Communion for those who wish to partake. It provides a mid-week time for peaceful meditation and reflection. On-site child care is provided. The Mantua Center Christian Church...
Scottish American Society Meeting
The Scottish American Society will be gathering on Sunday, February 10th, 2013, from 3:00 to 5:00 PM at the meeting room level of the Main Library, Akron-Summit County Public Library system, 60 S. High Street, in Akron. Free parking is immediately adjacent to the building in the parking garage. This meeting will feature Bob Morehead speaking to us on...
Earnhart to Speak at TRTA Luncheon
Hugh Earnhart,former Lincoln portrayer, prepares for his talk on Lincoln's birthday to Trumbull retired educators. The Trumbull Retired Teachers association will meet February 12 for a noon luncheon at Ciminero’s Banquet Centre, 123 N. Main St, Niles. Hugh Earnhart will be the featured speaker and his topic will be Abraham Lincoln. Anyone interested in attending should send $11 to...
We’re All Invited
Contemplative Service Weds Evenings The entire community is invited to attend a Contemplative Service on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM. The half hour consists of music, silence, and prayer, with Scripture readings and Open Communion for those who wish to partake. It provides a mid-week time for peaceful meditation and reflection. On-site child care is provided. The Mantua Center Christian Church...
We’re All Invited
Portage County Gardeners Clubs Join Today The Portage County Gardeners would like to invite you to join their clubs in 2013. Programs, workshops, field trips, crafts and friendship are just some of the reasons for joining a club. Four clubs within Portage County Gardeners have open membership. Please contact, President Helena Parry at 330-673-0577 for more information and to find a...
We’re All Invited
We Need Your Help! Class of “68”......we need your help in locating the following people: Gary Adams, Virgil Bishop, Lawrence Cassidy, James Uphole, and Ron Baker. If you know where they are, or have a current address, phone/ cell number, email address, please contact, Cherryl {Clark} Duffield, @ 330- 527-2713, or Cindy (Vasil) Hillier @ csh2605@aol.com, or Judy (Bazil) Stone...
We’re All Invited
We Need Your Help! Class of “68”......we need your help in locating the following people: Gary Adams, Virgil Bishop, Lawrence Cassidy, James Uphole, and Ron Baker. If you know where they are, or have a current address, phone/ cell number, email address, please contact, Cherryl {Clark} Duffield, @ 330- 527-2713, or Cindy (Vasil) Hillier @ csh2605@aol.com, or Judy (Bazil) Stone...
We’re All Invited
PCDL Holiday Hours All branches and offices of Portage County District Library will be closed on the following dates (in observance of the holiday season): Dec. 24, Dec. 25, Dec. 31, and Jan. 1. Visit Portage County District Library online at www.portagelibrary.org for information about library services and programs. Find us on Facebook. We Need Your Help! Class of “68”......we need your...
We’re All Invited
PCDL Holiday Hours All branches and offices of Portage County District Library will be closed on the following dates (in observance of the holiday season): Dec. 24, Dec. 25, Dec. 31, and Jan. 1. Visit Portage County District Library online at www.portagelibrary.org for information about library services and programs. Find us on Facebook. Live Nativity Dec. 14 & 15 You are invited to...
We’re All Invited
Shop Local There is a new boutique in the area; you can find the cutest place for Christmas giving at the Renaissance Family Center. The boutique just received estate jewelry with jewelry from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. Come see the boutique; all proceeds go for programs provided at the Center. Mobile Dentists to Visit Garfield Elementary On January 29, 2013...
We’re All Invited
Shop Local There is a new boutique in the area; you can find the cutest place for Christmas giving at the Renaissance Family Center. The boutique just received estate jewelry with jewelry from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. Come see the boutique all proceeds go for programs provided at the Center. Fish Fry Now-Lent American Legion Post 674 hold a fish fry...
We’re All Invited
Food Donations Wanted ASAP First Church of God in Windham is collecting canned good and non-perishable foods for inclusion in food baskets for local families for this Thanksgiving. If you would like to help with this project to help local families in need this Thanksgiving, donations may be brought to 9016 N Main St, Windham or by calling 330-326-2293 or 330-671-1426. Balloon...
We’re All Invited
Food Donations Wanted ASAP First Church of God in Windham is collecting canned good and non-perishable foods for inclusion in food baskets for local families for this Thanksgiving. If you would like to help with this project to help locate families in need this Thanksgiving, donations may be brought to 9016 N Main St, Windham or by calling 330-326-2293 or 330-671-1426. Balloon...
We’re All Invited
Food Donations Wanted ASAP First Church of God in Windham is collecting canned good and non-perishable foods for inclusion in food baskets for local families for this Thanksgiving. If you would like to help with this project to help locate families in need this Thanksgiving, donations may be brought to 9016 N Main St, Windham or by calling 330-326-2293 or 330-671-1426. Start...
We’re All Invited
Food Donations Wanted ASAP First Church of God in Windham is collecting canned good and non-perishable foods for inclusion in food baskets for local families for this Thanksgiving. If you would like to help with this project to help locatl families in need this Thanksgiving, donations may be brought to 9016 N Main St, Windham or by calling 330-326-2293 or 330-671-1426. Start...
We’re All Invited
Hot Stove Board Members Needed Call Today The Windham Hot Stove Organization is currently in need of board members. If you are interested, please contact Christina at 330-274-7136 or Karen at 330-442-3226. Volunteers Needed ASAP Any Adult residents of Windham interested in serving on the Windham Village Park Board please contact Phil Snyder (330) 326-3923 or call Village Offices (330)326-2622 Ext/ 223. Thank you...
We’re All Invited
Breakfasts at Post 674 Mondays American Legion Post 674 will be having breakfast every Monday from 7 am to 11 am price is $6.00 . Eggs, biscuits and gravy ,french toast, omlets, pancakes, bacon, sausage. and toast 9960 E Center St (SR 303) Windham ,Oh Non-Perishable Items Needed Thru Nov The First Church of God in Windham at 9016 N Main St is putting together...