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We’re All Invited


Contemplative Service

Weds Evenings

The entire community is invited to attend a Contemplative Service on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM. The half hour consists of music, silence, and prayer, with Scripture readings and Open Communion for those who wish to partake. It provides a mid-week time for peaceful meditation and reflection. On-site child care is provided. The Mantua Center Christian Church is located at the corner of Mantua Center road and St. Rt. 82, (On the Green, behind the Grange Hall) and is recognized by the National Register of Historic Places for its architectural significance.


Women in the Bible


First Church of God in Windham will continue a series on women in the Bible.  We meet at 11am and are meeting in a closer and intimate group for our studies.  You are welcome to attend and get to know these important characters you may never have heard of.  The church is located at 9016 N. Main St. in Windham.  Or call 330-326-2293 or 330-671-1426 for more information.


Bible Study

Now Thru Feb 17

Would you like to learn more about some of the important yet mostly obscure women of the Bible?  Rev. Jim Cuckler and the First Church of God in Windham will be doing a study on these women each Sunday morning through Feb.  17 during the morning worship at 11 am.  The church is located at 9016 N. Main St and can be contacted by phone at 330-326-2293 or 330-671-1426


Pancake Breakfast


The Newbury Area Kiwanis Club will serve regular, blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. every Sunday morning in Feb at Newbury High School cafeteria. Breakfast includes coffee, orange or apple juice, milk, sausage and locally-produced maple syrup. Cost is $7 for age 13 and up, $4 for ages 3-12 and $23 for a family of up to five members. Proceeds benefit scholarship funds and other community needs. Donations will be accepted for local food bank.


Choir Members Wanted

Thursday Evenings

“The Voices of Geauga” is a newly-formed community choir that rehearses Thursdays at 7 pm at the Burton Congregational Church.  Led by Dan Berman, the choir aims to promote and enjoy vocal music of all types.  Anyone who likes to sing is invited to join the choir.  No pre-registration or try-outs required.   For more information, call Dan Berman at 440-465-3060 or email:  berman.music@gmail.com


JA Garfield Class of 1963

Save The Date

It’s your time to shine. Its been 50 years. Let’s have a party on July 27, 2013 at Main Street Grille & Brewing Co. in Garrettsville. $25 per person. For more info call Judy Davison Toth 330-527-5443; Bobbie Rakouska Simera 330-527-2846; Bill McDowell 330-527-4006; Connie Hutchinson Johnson 330-673-7439; Jim Shoemaker 330-296-6692.


Praise & Worship Service


Southington U.M.C. Praise and Worship Services are held Saturdays at 7pm. Casual dress and refreshments afterwards. Located at the town center on S.R. 305


Moms in Prayer


Moms in Prayer, a local group of Crestwood moms, invite you to join us as we intercede for students, teachers and administration through prayer. We meet for an hour each week that school is in session.  MIP is part of an international organization that gathers mothers around the world to pray for their children and schools.  If interested contact Dottie at (330) 274-0291 or dotjohn65@sbcglobal.net.


Free Exercise!

Sunday Evenings

Co-ed adult volleyball Sunday evenings at 6:00 pm. Questions call Rich (330) 527-5195


Volunteers Needed

Geauga Co. Job and Family Services is looking for caring, motivated adults to volunteer a few hours a week tutoring local elementary students in basic reading and math. Volunteers will be required to attend training at Geauga Co. Job and Family Services and complete a criminal background check. Please contact Sara Shininger, Community Support/Volunteer Coordinator for Geauga Co. JFS at 440-285-9141, ext. 1263 to register or for more information.


Register Now For The Class of 2026

The James A. Garfield School District is now accepting Kindergarten registration information for your child that will turn age 5 before September 30, 2013.Registration will take place on March 12,13 and14, 2013 at the elementary.  Please call the Elementary School office at 330-527-2184 to schedule an appointment for your child as soon as possible.



“250 Club” Reverse Raffle

Drawing Mar. 16

Grand Prize $2500.00, First ticket out $250.00, Every 10th ticket $100.00. March 16 at Saint Mary’s & Joseph’s Social Hall, 120 Maple Dr., Newton Falls Oh 44444. 16oz. porterhouse steak dinner, beer and mixers. Dinner served 5-7 pm. 50/50 Drawing * Table Games * D.J. Donation $50.00 For Tickets Call Pete@330-872-0270, Tony@330-360-4546,  Johanna@330-240-9561


Eagles Fish Fry

Fridays Through Lent

The Garrettsville Eagles will be hosting a fish fry every Friday at the Eagles.  To go orders welcome by calling 330-527-2330. Dinners are $8.50 and your choice of Fish, Shrimp, Chicken Tenders or a Combination. All include baked potato or fries, green beans, cole slaw and a dinner roll.


iPad mini Fundraiser

Feb 8-22  

The Newton Falls Crescendo Club (Band Boosters) has received a generous donation from Newton Falls American Legion Post #236,  and has purchased an iPad mini (Wi-Fi – 32GB, Value: $429) which we are raffling off.  Tickets will be available from Feb 8 – 22.  We are only selling 400 tickets at $10 each.  The winner of the raffle will be announced at the March 7 “Music in our Schools” Band Concert at the High School.  Winner need not be present.  Tickets will be available from any band member starting February 8th or by contacting a Crescendo Club Officer (Laura – 872-1647, Kristy – 330-5198, Kim – 984-9061).


Valentine Dinner

Feb 9

Palmyra United Methodist Church in Diamond is having a Valentine dinner on Feb. 9. We are taking reservations for 4:30 or 6:00pm; the cost is $20 per couple. Please select your menu choice. #1 new England Pot Roast w/potatoes & carrots, #2 Southern Fried Chicken w/ potatoes, gravy & beans or #3 Baked Cod w/ rice pilaf & California mixed veggies. Dinner includes homemade rolls and desserts. Please call Kathy (330) 654-4956 to make your reservations.


Tinkers Trek-1

Feb 9

The 1,100 acre Tinkers Creek State Park is part of an extensive protected landscape of the upper Tinkers Creek watershed. Explore the seldom used trails of this park with naturalist Bob Faber from 9:00-11:00am. The 3 miles of trails traverse woodlands, recovering farmland, meadows and skirt the edge of a very large marsh and several small lakes. Wildlife is abundant and a bald eagle nests nearby. Sponsored by the Friends of the Hiram College Field Station (hiking fee $10 for non-members, $6 for members). For reservations, contact Matt Sorrick @ sorrickmw@hiram.edu or 330.569.6003.


OH, Sweet Maple

Feb 9

How to Make Maple Candy, Cream and Other Sweet Treats. Maple candy can be made by anyone with tools and know-how. Using a hot plate to demonstrate and some of their own candy-making tools, join award-winning makers of maple products, Aggie Sojka-Sperry and Hans Geiss, as they describe some of the sweetest ways to use Geauga County’s maple syrup. Feb 9 from 2 to 4 p.m. at the West Woods Nature Center, 9465 Kinsman Road (Route 87), Russell Township. For more info contact 440-286-9516 Ext. 0803


Crestwood Girls Fast Pitch Signups

Feb 9 & 10

Crestwood Girls Fast Pitch has been around for over 10 years and is having sign ups on  Feb. 9 and Feb.10 from 1-3pm at the Mantua Village Park Lodge for girls between the ages of 5 and 18.  If anyone has registration questions, they can e-mail them to crestwoodfastpitch@gmail.com or contact Barb Hill (President) 330-388-4685


All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner

Feb 10        

Knights Of Columbus Council #3350 is hosting an all you can eat spaghetti dinner 12:00-3:00pm At Saint Mary & Joseph’s Social Hall, 120 Maple Drive in Newton Falls. Dinner Includes: spaghetti & meatballs, salad, Italian bread, coffee or punch, and dessert. (Carry out available) Adults: $7.00,Children 6-11: $3.00, Children 5 & under eat free.  For any additional information call Tom Fetock (330) 872-5886, Matt Stimac (330)872-7865 or Jim Burns (330)883-0575.


Chili Cook-Off

Feb. 10

Garrettsville United Methodist Church  2nd Annual Chili Cook-Off benefitting the Nelson – Garrettsville Community Cupboard will be held on Feb. 10 at 1:00 p.m.  Admission is $5 for adults and children 10 and under are free.  For more information call the church office at (330) 527-2055.


Valentine Bingo

Feb. 10

Valentine Bingo will be held Feb. 10 at St. Michael’s Church, 9736 E. Center St in Windham. Gift and bakery raffles, refreshments available, games start at 1:30 pm. No one under 18 will be permitted. (330) 326-3636 for more info.



Pancake & Sausage Breakfast

Feb. 10, 17 & 24

Pancake & sausage breakfast will be held at 14052 Goodwin St. from 9am-1:30pm. Contact Ron (440) 343-1478 for details


NF Kindergarten & New Student Registration

Feb 11 /12 & Mar 11-15

Registration for children entering the Newton Falls School System for the 2013-2014 school year (including K students and transfer students) will be held: Feb 11 & 12 from 3:30 – 6:30 p.m. and March 11-15 from 8:30-11:30 am & 12:30-2:30 pm each day. You do NOT need an appointment, but please only come during these times.  It is not necessary to bring your child at this time. You should bring the following items with you when registering: Your child’s legal birth certificate, Immunization records, Proof of residency (driver’s license, utility bill, etc), Child’s Social Security Number, Custody papers (if applicable)


Valentine Card-Making Workshop

Feb. 12

A Valentine card-making workshop will be Feb.  12 from 2 – 4 p.m. in the Burton Public Library Merritt Room.  The program is free and registration is not necessary.  Just stop in and have fun making some beautiful cards.


Everybody Loves Chocolate

Feb 12

Everybody loves chocolate.   Join us Feb 12 at 1:00 pm or 3:30 pm and make a dipped pretzel bouquet or design an original chocolate bar for that special person for Valentine’s Day. Registration is required and class size limited. For more information, call the Windham Library at 330-326-3145.


Free Pancake Supper

Feb 12

Start off your Lent Season with us!! The good folks from Brighter Day and Hilltop Church at Hilltop Christian Church at 4572 West Prospect St., Mantua will be hosting a FREE pancake supper on Tuesday, February 12th from  5:30pm-7:30pm.


Band Booster Meeting

Feb. 13

Newton Falls Crescendo Club (Band Boosters) – We will be meeting for the rest of the school year on the second Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm in the band room.  Remaining meeting dates are: February 13, March 13, April 10, and May 8.  We are currently forming our Scholarship Committee to select the next Band Scholarship Recipient.  Hope to see you there!


Reconnecting With The Catholic Church

Beginning Feb. 14

St. Ambrose Church is offering a series of sessions for Catholics who want to reconnect with the Church.  We offer an opportunity for conversation, socializing and questions.  These sessions will be held on Thursdays for six weeks beginning on Feb.14.  Please call the St. Ambrose rectory at 330-527-4105 with questions or to register.


Free Roast Pork Dinner

Feb. 14

A free roast pork dinner will be served Feb. 14, at the Brick Chapel, 9003 N. Main St. Windham.  The community dinner will be served from 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., while supply lasts.   All are welcome, bring your friends.  The dinner is provided by the Congregational UCC of Windham.  They are providing free dinners on the second Thursday of each month.  There is a ramp access at the front of the building.  No carry-outs.  For more information call 330-326-3133.


Soup & Sandwich Day

Feb. 15

First Christian Church Christian Women’s Fellowship Soup & Sandwich Day will be Feb. 15, from 11:00-2:00 pm. Dinner will be located at Fellowship Hall 17 North Center Street in Newton Falls. For takeouts call (330) 872-1328


Lenten Dinners

Feb. 15-Mar. 22

Beginning Feb. 15, Mantua Knights of Columbus are hosting Lenten Dinners each Friday night through March 22.  Featuring a variety of delicious Pierogis from the famous West Side Market “Pierogi Palace”.  Additional dinner options include Fish, Shrimp or mac-n-cheese and include side dishes, bread, homemade dessert and beverage (beverage not included with carry-out).  Other side dishes are also available.  Dine-In service is available 5–8 PM or Carry-Out by calling (330) 274-2576.  The Mantua K of C Party Center is located at 11845 St. Rt. 44 just north of St. Rt. 82. For More info call: (216) 469-6953 (330) 274-3400.


Library Book sale

Feb. 16

Burton Public Library book sale will be Feb. 16 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. in the Library’s Book Cellar.  In addition to books, you will find magazines, movies, puzzles, sheet music and lots more.  All proceeds benefit library programs.


Spaghetti Dinner

Feb 16

Spaghetti dinner will be held Feb 16 from 4-7 at the Western Reserve Masonic Lodge on St. Rt. 88 in West Farmington. Dinner includes salad, bread and pie. Cost is $7 for adults, $4.50 for children 5-12, and children 5 and under eat free. Carry outs are available for $7.50. For more info contact George (330) 847-2929 or (330) 565-3860


Comedy Night

Feb 16

Ravenna Balloon A-Fair presents Dan “The Man” Long Comedy Night. An evening of laughs, dinner and fun! Adult comedy show, steak & chicken buffet, 50/50 drawing, prizes and more. Feb 16 6:15 cash bar, 7:00 Dinner, 8:30 pm show time. Ravenna Elks Lodge, 776 N. Freedom St. , Ravenna. Tickets are $30 per person. Seating is limited, purchase tickets from Chamber board members or from the Chamber office.  (330) 296-3886.


Amateur Comedy Night

Feb. 16

Streetsboro Eagles Aerie 4300 presents their  1st Annual Amateur Comedy night and dinner on Feb. 16th. Doors open at 6:00 pm and dinner will be at 6:30pm. Comedians start at 7:30 and you, the audience, will pick the winners Advance tickets $15.00 per person, at the door $20.00 per person. Ticket includes dinner and the comedy show. NO FEE for amateur comedians wishing to participate. Contact (dgjr57@hotmail.com or sheak66@yahoo.com) for entry instructions. Grand Prize $200, second place $100 and third place $ 50. Come out to enjoy dinner and evening of laughs from a hilarious comedy  show full of fun that you don’t want to miss. Streetsboro Eagles Hall, 9052 State Route 14, Unit D, Streetsboro. For information on ticket purchases phone (330) 626 – 9362


Basketball & Cheerleading Clinics

Feb 16 & Mar 6

Portage Community Chapel, 6490 State Rt. 14 in Ravenna will hold 2 Basketball and Cheerleading Clinics open at NO charge to all area kids grades K5-6th to be held on Feb 16 and Mar 9. Basketball sessions will cover basic rules, station drills and teamwork. Sessions are: 5th-6th grades  9 AM with pre-registration at 8:30 AM and K5-3rd 11 AM with pre-registration at  10:30 AM.  Students are invited to attend one or both of these FREE 1 1/2 hour sessions.  Call Coach Scott at 330-235-3639 or Coach Sara at 330-703-1906 for more information.  This will be the first of many programs to be offered by the church’s new Sports Ministry.


Crestwood Youth Baseball Sign Ups

Feb. 16, 17, 23 & 24

Sign ups for the Crestwood Youth Baseball League will be held in February for children  ages 4 to 14. Signups are from 1pm to 4pm at Grange Hall. http://www.crestwoodyouthbaseball.com/


Free Kids Movie

Feb. 18

Free kids movie on President’s Day at The Burton Public Library. The library will be open regular hours (9 am – 8 pm) on Presidents’ Day, Feb. 18.  Drop in for a matinee showing of “Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days” at 1 p.m.   Bring a pillow or blanket to sit on and your own snacks and drinks.  Admission is free and all ages are welcome.  No registration required.


Umpire Training

Feb 19

Geauga County Umpire Association is offering an umpire association course for high school baseball. Classes begin Feb. 19. Go to www.ohsaa.org for more information of contact David Henry at bluehen59@hotmail.com or (440) 840-5231


Home Cooked Supper

Feb 20

Home cooked supper at Pricetown Methodist Church, 4640 Pritchard-Ohltown Rd, Newton Falls, will be held: Feb. 20 from 5-6:30 PM. Supper includes ham, scalloped potatoes, mixed vegetables, super salad, rolls, pie & cookies for dessert.  Adults $7.00 Children 10 yrs. and under $4.00. Carryout available


Monthly Meeting

Feb 21

The retirees of Local 2243 U.S.W.A Copperweld Steel CO. (S.O.A.R Chapter 1-28-10) will have their regular monthly meeting on Feb. 21 at 1:00 pm at the Local 1375 Union Hall at 684 N. Park Ave in Warren. There will be a guest speaker and refreshments will be served. Questions call George (330) 847-2929


NF Exempted School Board Meeting

Feb 21

The Newton Falls Exempted Village Schools Board of Education will hold its regularly  scheduled board meeting on February 21 at 6 pm in the board room located in the Jr. High School at 907 1/2 Milton Blvd.


God Provides A Meal

Feb. 22

God Provides A Free Meal at Nelson United Methodist Church on Feb 22 from 4-6 pm. Meal will be chili, corn bread and salad.. For more info call 330-527-2268 or 330-527-8124.


Kick-Off Dance

Feb 23

Ravenna Balloon A-Fair presents Kick-Off Dance on Feb 23 from 7pm-midnight at the Ravenna Elks Lodge 1076, 776 N. Freedom St. 18 and over, no exceptions! Tickets in advance or at the door. $10 donation. Raffles, cash bar, snacks and DJ! For more info: Heather Sepelak (330) 357-1220 or Ravenna Balloon A-Fair (330) 296-3247.


First Church of God Free Meal

Feb 23

First Church of God in Windham, at 9016 N Main St, will be providing a free meal to the community on Saturday, February 23rd from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm.  Everyone is invited to attend.  We will be serving in the fellowship hall in the basement.  Call 330-326-2293 or 330-671-1426 for more information.


Flap Jack Jamboree

Feb 23

Mark your calendars for February 23rd. Boy Scout Troop #4262 will be having a Flap Jack Jamboree. Time: 8:00am to 12:00pm. Located at

the Garrettsville United Methodist Church,8223 Park Ave. What:All-you-can-eat pancakes,( Plain or Blueberry)

Sausage and Beverage, all for$5.00, kids 10 and under $3.00 Hope to see you there!


Sunny Morton to visit Burton Public Library

Feb. 23

Author Sunny Morton will visit the Burton Public Library on Feb 23 at 11 a.m.  A genealogy writer and lecturer, Sunny Morton will speak about the process of capturing and recording our personal and family histories. Her book, “My Life and Times: A Guided Journal for Collecting Your Stories” will be available for purchase.  Please register at the Circulation Desk or by calling the Burton Public Library at 440-834-4466.


Benefit Chicken Dinner

Feb. 23

Benefit Chicken Dinner for Chuck Zemek (Chuck passed away unexpectedly on Jan. 17). Dinner will be Feb 23 from 3-7pm at Windham Brick Chapel, 9001 N. Main St. Windham. $10 for adults, $7 for children 4-12, 3 & under eat free. Dinner includes 1/4 chicken, mashed potatoes & gravy, corn, dinner roll, drink and dessert. Carry outs available. 50/50 raffle and Chinese auction. For more information or to donate to the dinner or Chinese auction call Debbie Myers (330) 389-0274.


Huntsburg Baseball Signups

Feb 23 & Mar 3

Signups will be Feb 23 and Mar 3 from 9am-1pm at the Huntsburg Town Hall. Questions call Rich Collins (440) 479-4111


Ohio River Watershed at West Branch State Park-1

Feb 24

At over 8,000 acres of land and water, West Branch is one of the largest parks in the state. Join naturalist Bob Faber from 9:00-11:00am and explore the rolling forested landscape and the extensive shoreline that surrounds the Kirwan Reservoir. Both oak-hickory and beech-maple mature woodlands and large areas of recovering farmlands provide extensive habitat for a variety of wildlife, including bald eagles. Sponsored by the Friends of the Hiram College Field Station (hiking fee $10 for non-members, $6 for members). For reservations, contact Matt Sorrick at sorrickmw@hiram.edu or 330.569.6003.


Photography Showcase

Feb 24 to April 6

The Trumbull Art Gallery will be hosting its 4th Annual Juried Photography Show, Photo2013, beginning Feb. 24.  All entries to the show must be received between noon and 4 PM on Feb.16t.  Entry fees are $15 for one or two photos, or $20 for three.  Entry forms, and more information, may be downloaded from our website at www.trumbullartgallery.com, or can be picked up at the Trumbull Art Gallery, 196 East Market St., Warren, Ohio.  Admission to the show is free.


Times Not Waiting Tour

Mar 1

Nationally signed bands including Stellar Kart, Abandon and 7th Time Down will be performing live at Cardinal Middle School in Middlefield (16175 Almeda Drive) on Mar 1. Doors open at 6:30, concert will begin at 7pm. Ticket costs are $10 in advance and $12 at the door and may be purchased through itickets  http://www.itickets.com/events/299649.html or from Sparrow Christian Bookstore. Group tickets may be purchased by calling (440) 834-8601. Program is being sponsored by The Cardinal Christian Club. For more info visit http://goa-inc.com


Pancakes & Sausage Breakfasts

March 3,10,17 & 24

Pancakes and sausage breakfasts will be held on March 3, 10, 17 and 24 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

at the Parkman Community House, 16295 Main Market Rd. (Rt. 422), Parkman, Ohio. Adults: $7.50 / Children: $3.00 / Pre-schoolers: Free.  Sponsored by Parkman Chamber of Commerce


Hollywood Casino

Mar 6

Hollywood Casino Toledo, OH trip, Mar 6 from 8am-7pm. Meet at Aurora City Hall parking lot 15 minutes before departure. $33 fee, $20 in slot play. Please contact Patty Harrington (330) 995-9148 to sign up! You must have a government issued picture ID in order to receive the incentive.


Board of Trustees’ Meeting

March 14

The Portage County District Library Board of Trustees’ regular meeting on March 14, at 5:30 pm at the Windham Branch, 9005 Wilverne Drive, Windham, OH, will allow for the discussion of rehiring the Fiscal Officer upon her retirement with a benefit under the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System.


Huntsburg Grange Chili Cook-Off

March 16

The annual Huntsburg Grange Chili Cook-Off and Chinese Auction will be held on Saturday, March 16 from 11:30 to 2:30 in the Huntsburg Gym, located at the intersection of Rt. 322 and Rt. 528 in Huntsburg.

Contact Jacquie at 636-5510 to enter or come and vote for the People’s Choice.  Live band, cake walk, games, guest vendors, 50/50 raffle, afghan raffle.  Call 636-5517 for more information.


Windham Athletic Boosters Casino  Bus Trip

March 16

Join the Windham Athletic Boosters as they head to Presque Isle in Erie, PA. All proceeds benefit the building of the baseball / softball field. Trip is March 16th. Bus leaves from Windham High School at 4 pm and returns by 1 am. Cost is $40 per ticket. Each person receives $35 free game play, 50/50 and door prizes.  MUST HAVE DRIVERS LISCENSE TO RECEIVE FREE GAME PLAY.  Please contact Dawn Kilgore at  216-406-0019; Denise Dean at 330-717-1029 or Diana Knight at 330-571-3532


Oink & Squeal Party

Mar 23

Oink & Squeal Party raffle and Chinese Auction will be Mar 23 at Burton American Legion Hall, 14052 Goodwin St. Doors open at 5pm. Raffle will be at 7pm. Presented the Burton American Legion Ladies Auxiliary Post 459. Admission: nonperishable food item, bath items ot cash donations.  For more info or tickets see and Auxiliary member.


Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography