Iva Walker
Look!!! Up In The Sky!!!
Remember that one?
“Look !!! Up in the sky !! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! “It’s Superman !!!”
Nah, never mind, It’s not Superman, it’s a whole bunch of super people–The Fraternal Order of Eagles, to be exact. And what set me off on this tack was the sign out...
Twentieth Century Club News
The October 6, 2022 meeting of the Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville took place at the home of Joyce Fashing, with Karen Ziarko serving as co-hostess. Several changes to meeting locations were announced (November 17 to the home of Linda Fitt, January 5 at the home of Jane Hill,...
‘Fraid This Is IT
Ya got yer Full Hunter’s Moon. (The last big full moon was the Harvest Moon, you know, like as in–hum along, now, “Shine on, Shine on Harvest Moon, up in the sky. I ain’t had no lovin’ since January, February, June or July. Snow time ain’t no time to...
Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report
Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club met on October 10, 2022 in Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville at high noon to deal with many topics.
One of them was a presentation by Cindy Sheehan, representing the Friends of the Library, Garrettsville branch, advocating for, and seeking support for the creation of the Miss...
Cats Pajamas?
Well, not just yet.
You won’t see the Porch Kitties in long johns real soon, but it won’t be for lack of their pointing out the inadequacy of their current accommodations. Everybody got displaced by the painting of the front porch, which necessitated the clearing-out of the miscellaneous items of...
Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report
Reverse Raffle! Coming up November 2, 2022 ! Principal fund raiser for the Rotary Club of Garrettsville-Hiram ! Major topic for the October 3, 2022 meeting ! Meetings on Wednesdays at Middlefield Bank, 9:00a.m. Tickets now available ! Sponsors still welcome. Auction items being sought.
And also…. There was considerable...
Sing a Song of Sixpence
Sing a song of sixpencePocket full of ryeFour-and-twenty blackbirdsBaked in a pieWhen the pie was openedThe birds began to singWasn’t that a dainty dish to set before the king?
Never mind the sixpence, the blackbirds, the pie or the king (They’re all from the 18th century or earlier…Shakespeare, maybe?), what...
James A Garfield Historical Society News
All Christmas Walk, all of the time. That’s the gist of the September 19, 2022 meeting of the James A. Garfield Historical Society, for the most part.
This included :Advertisers for the Christmas Walk program booklet, suggestions of local–and wider–papers for placement of advertising, appointment of an advertising committee (Tim...
We’ve Been Sentenced To…
Finally ! A national observance I can, as an educator, relate to. I mean, I can serve as a fine example on April Fool’s Day and all, but Bastille Day, Ember Day –any of them, Sadie Hawkins Day (I do miss Al Capp, though), Lammas Day, Cheeseburger Day, Spaghetti...
Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report
Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary was hard at work once again at Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville on Monday, September 19, 2022, with these items on their collective plates :
The Reverse Raffle is proceeding apace, with tickets available after settling a sizing snafu, the menu is approved for the buffet, baskets...
Strike Up The Band!
Ever been to a band show? You ought to try getting to at least one. They are something else. If you are not into band music, you might be just impressed by the spectacle of the thing–the organization, the planning, the volunteers, the choreography, the themes,… the concession stands.--they...
Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report
Back at their usual stomping grounds, the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club rocked the usual array of topics, including :
*Updates on sponsorship for the upcoming Reverse Raffle (November2), accompanied by explanation–for visitors– of how the affair is conducted and the fact that it is the club’s principal fund-raiser supporting various community...
No Ferris Wheel For Me
But I did check out the rest –or most of–the Lorain County Wellington Fair. Did observe the big wheel but saw no hanky-panky (as reported last week) going on up there, so I got down to my prime reason for attending any of these festivities–eating! I always walk all,...
Twentieth Century Club News
A sort of adventurous normality characterized the responses to membership roll call at the August 19, 2022 meeting of the Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville, held at the lovely rural home of Jane Hill. Activities over the summer recess were frequently family-focused, and included a grandson’s baseball games, a...
All’s Fair In…Maybe Not
Well, it is “Fair Time”, and any number of things go on there, except…. I always try to get to at least one fair as Summer winds down–Portage, Geauga, Lorain, State, whatever. Each fair has something about it, a story of how it got to be what it is,...
A Few Good Men!
It’s not just for the Marines, ya know.
The Masons have been seeking good men, here in Garrettsville and around the world, for quite some time now, and doing pretty well at it, as a matter of fact.
The Masonic Lodge–the Free and Arch Masons, along with affiliated groups such as...
Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report
The August 8, 2022 meeting of the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club covered business in short takes and topics. This included a mention of the still-delayed Rotary insignia for the bike racks, the annual cook-out to be held on the 22nd (and what to do in case of rain), a meeting...
Cancel The Obit!
Rumors of my demise have been wildly overwrought.
For the few of you who missed the News of the World, Nightly News, and MSNBC special on current events–I have indeed been cruisin’ the ‘Ville accessorized with an arm sling, not to mention the accompanying blue language involved in getting the...
Dog Days
Well, there all sorts of stories about why this part of the year is sometimes referred to as the “Dog Days”, most of them having to do with Sirius, the Dog Star (part of the constellation Canis Major, not to be confused with Procyon, Canis minor, the Little Dog...
As Roseanne Rosannadanna used to say on Saturday Night Live after her on-air diatribe turned out to be totally misdirected–”Never mind.”
Last week’s dramatic sports moment about the Garfield PCL Championship win in 1972 was, apparently, “bass ackward”, so to speak. Hey, it was fifty years ago and I was...
J.A. Garfield Historical Society News
The James A. Garfield Historical Society met on July 18, 2022, in the historic Mott Building in downtown Garrettsville to discuss a number of pertinent topics.
The JAGHS sign on the Mott Building should possibly be refurbished or replaced. Dave Brent of Willowleaf Studios, who was responsible for the Hat...
Alea jacta est
Or “Alea iacta est,”, if you are a Latin purist (I know you’re out there somewhere.). Mrs. Grissinger, my Latin teacher in 9th and 10th grades, probably wasn’t up on the latest translation/ third person singular/imperative and all that, or any other notions of what Suetonius said that Caesar...
No “Farmer In The Dell” Here
I’m thinkin’…. A rough estimate of the cost of the strawberries (2) that I have got so far, from the pots which I have planted this year alongside the house, is somewhere around $15.87, each. The plants themselves look fine—plenty of big green leaves, plenty of blossoms–however, the end...
A.P.B. — All Points Bulletin
This is one happenin’ place, by gummy.
The amazing rehabilitation/renovation/reconstruction/ remodeling of the eyesore on Maple Avenue is heading for the home stretch. It got stripped down to the studs, re-wired, re-plumbed, re-configured (moved purposes of some spaces), re-imagined altogether, to make it–once again–into a livable space. Insulation in the...
Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report
As the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary club sat down to lunch in Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville, their plates were full, literally and figuratively; to wit :*The club is required–as are other Rotary clubs across the board–to choose a Youth Protection Policy/Officer and develop a plan to conform with the organization’s...
Green Sleeves…and shoes…and gloves….
Time for the annual–more or less–horticultural–slash–porch kitty–slash–stuff going on–report. All of you waiting with “bated breath” can relax now. (What is this “bated”? Any relation to “rebate”, “debate”, “exacerbate”, “probate”, “abatement”, “incubate”, “reprobate”, ”intubate”? Huh? Well, there are some 20 playable words in Scrabble featuring that particular root, meaning...
For “Old Times” Sake
That was the way it was…in Garrettsville, that is. The James A.Garfield Historical Society’s Oral History Day presentation was a hit. The panel of “seasoned” (senior citizens) local residents kept the audience’s interest throughout, and then some, as individuals asked questions of their neighbors in extended conversations after the...
J.A. Garfield Historical Society News
The James A. Garfield Historical Society met on April 18, 2022 to discuss a range of topics :
? Submission of an application/entry in a contest sponsored by Sheeley’s in Aurora, for a project to be completed by the group. The Baptist Cemetery was a possible focus, as was the...
And Another Thing…
I keep discovering (Not through Spring Cleaning–perish the thought) more stuff to put out on the Big Community Yard/Garage Sale coming up in May (as advertised on the electronic bulletin board downtown at the light). Tons-o-stuff stashed around here; some of it I vaguely remember acquiring, some of it,...
Twentieth Century Club News
Ladies of the Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville met in the home of Leah Schultz, who was assisted in hostessing by vice president Patricia Amor, who subsequently presided at the meeting proper in the absence of president Nasreen Kitko. The treasurer reported that the funds remained at the same...