Stacy Turner
CHS Student Lights Up Mantua
Mantua - Principal Arden Sommers is pretty proud of “his kids” at Crestwood High School. At a recent visit to the school, Sommers proudly shared their stories, as he discussed a program called the Junior/Senior Seminar. The class, which is an elective, and therefore, not a requirement for graduation,...
Gifts From the Kitchen…
This time of year, Santa isn’t the only one who’s making lists and checking them twice. If you enjoy giving handmade gifts, here are some simple spice mixes that are sure to appeal to the foodies on your list. Individually, they make great stocking stuffers. Package them together with...
CMS Students Trained in Real-Life Skills
Mantua - The Eighth Grade Crestwood Middle School Pre-Engineering Academy, under the direction of instructor Ed Judd, have the opportunity not only to learn valuable engineering skills, but to how to accurately present their ideas to potential clients. According to Judd, the Acedemy took root when Crestwood Middle School...
Hidden in Plain Sight — Looks Can Be Deceiving
We’ve all heard that you can’t judge a book by its cover. Well on Tuesday, December 10th, that old adage will be updated to include paper clips, dryer sheets, and lots of other seemingly harmless household items. That evening, the Mantua Police Department will host a traveling exhibit entitled...
Mantua’s Christmas Tour Starts This Weekend
Mantua - For the first time ever, the Rotary Club of Mantua is hosting its Christmas Tour of Homes during the first two weekends in December. While usually held in November, this year’s December tour of homes will help you get into the holiday spirit, giving you ideas for...
CIS Talent Show Was Huge Success
Mantua - Author Leo Buscaglia is quoted as saying, “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” Never has that...
An Apple Walks into a Bar…
What do you do when you’ve got a plethora of apples? That was the question this fall at the Turner house, where we’ve been buried in apples since autumn first began. Over the previous few years, our ancient apple orchard didn’t bear much fruit due to insect problems, overzealous...
Giving Thanks to a Local Hero
Mantua - In this season of giving thanks, Frank Iannaggi, owner of the G & C Bakery in Mantua, is giving thanks for his wife, his five daughters, and his gorgeous grandchildren; the newest of whom was born this month. If you know Frank, or you’ve ever had the...
Surprise Quilt Winner at Restoration Society Dinner
Mantua - In early November, the Mantua Restoration Society, Inc.,(MaRSI) held its last fund raiser of the year at the Mantua Center School building. As a fundraiser, the potluck dinner also included a silent auction, 50/50 raffle, and the drawing for a beautiful Mantua Center School-themed quilt by local...
Crestwood School Board Report – November 2013
Mantua - At the recent School Board meeting, the Board approved the resubmission of the Five-Year forecast for the fiscal years ending June 20, 2014 through 2018. The forecast was submitted to the Ohio Department of Education, as required by law. Continuing, the Board approved the first reading of...
Conscientious, Citizenship, and Chloe
Mantua - Crestwood Schools have much more going for them than just the three Rs. This fall, Primary School Principal Cindy Ducca and Intermediate School Principal Michelle Gerbrick have instituted a program that rewards students for exhibiting crucial skills at each of their schools -- qualities they call the...
Mantua Township News
Mantua Twp. - In light of many questions regarding expenditures of the Township’s finances, Township Fiscal Officer Marie Stehli shared a spreadsheet she developed to clearly show what has been spent on the Mantua Center school building. She made copies available to those in attendance, and requested that it...
Hiram Village News
Hiram - At the start of the meeting, a representative from the Hiram Parks Board, Susan Merrill, informed council of a meeting that will be held on November 13th from 7 to 9 pm. The purpose of this meeting is to provide a venue for area businesses and residents...
Mantua Village News
Mantua - At the start of the meeting, Mayor Linda Clark welcomed James Carrozzi, an auxiliary officer who recently joined the village police department. Carrozzi is a Ravenna resident who graduated from the Academy at Kent State University in June of this year. Next, the Mayor reported that Congressman...
Mantua Village News
Mantua - As of September 1st, Kate Rogers has been hired as Administrative Services Officer. In this role, she will report to Clerk-Treasurer/Fiscal Officer Jenny August; in addition, Ms. Rogers will also work to process water and sewer billing with Village Administrator David Akerley. Rogers is a Mantua Village...
Mantua Township News
Mantua Twp. - Zoning Inspector John Dickey announced that he has set up office hours the first few Thursdays of each month at the Center School/Administration Building to make forms available and answer any zoning questions that residents may have. While the township has posted updated permit applications on...
Hiram Township Happenings
Hiram Twp. - At a recent meeting of the Hiram Township Trustees, Trustee Jack Groselle mentioned that the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s Office of Farmland Preservation is inviting local cities, townships and conservation districts to apply for Local Sponsor Certification by November 15. Local sponsors who qualify would be...
Whirled Peace At Crestwood Schools
Mantua - Imagine millions of pinwheels spinning in the wind. Pinwheels around the world in Great Britain, South America, the Middle East, and here in Mantua, Ohio. Yes, on Friday, September 20th, in honor of the International Day of Peace, Crestwood students will take part in an international art...
Mantua Township Happenings
Mantua Twp. - At the recent Mantua Township trustees’ meeting, Zoning Inspector John Dickey recommended that the trustees consider passing a resolution covering residential nuisances including abandoned vehicles, property upkeep, and the like, as many area Townships have done. He shared this recommendation with the Township’s legal council, who...
Hiram Township Happenings
Hiram Twp. - Chairperson Kathy Schulda reported that she received calls from Township residents reporting that they saw brine trucks dumping into a township river. Ms. Schulda immediately reported this to both the Portage County Sheriff’s office, and to Akron Water Works. When the Sheriff’s office arrived at the...
Celebrate with Spuds
Mantua - Most people mark their 40th anniversary with rubies, but in Mantua, they’ll be celebrating the occasion with potatoes. This year marks the 40th year that the Village holds their annual event dedicated to all things spud, and it’s one year you won’t want to miss. The festival...
CHS Band Plans for a Banner Day
Mantua - Throughout its 60-year history, the Crestwood Scarlet Guard Marching Band has had a long tradition of excellence. The band consistently appears at OMEA State Finals and Bands of America Championships, and in 2012 was named Class A Regional Champion at the Pittsburgh & Pontiac Regional Championships. Recently,...
Looking for an Adventure?
Have your kids been exploring the uncharted territory of your very last nerve in these last few weeks of summer vacation? Are you looking a way to encourage them on a new adventure -- one that will get them outside to burn off some of that limitless energy? Would...
Hiram Township News
Hiram Twp. - At the recent Township Trustees meeting, Chairman Kathy Schulda shared that the township had been in talks with representatives from Pander Trucking regarding damage to Allyn Road where Pander’s storage wells are located, based on increased truck traffic to the wells. In the process of her...
Crestwood Schools Undergo Major Overhaul
Mantua - Superintendent David Toth opened the meeting by addressing the School Board and the 50 meeting attendees by highlighting his goal of increasing communication throughout the district. To that end, Toth plans to continue using the automated phone system to share district-wide events with community members. In addition,...
Caring Cops Host Community Events
Hiram - Since returning to the Village in January 2012, Hiram Village Police Chief Ed Samec has made it one of his missions to get the community involved with the Hiram Police Department. To that end, he’s hosted community-minded events focused on helping area kids get to know Hiram’s...
Old Gem gets New Lease on Life
Mantua - According to the 2007 National Agricultural Statistics Service census, only 662,264 barns built before 1960 remain across the country. In our area, a rare gem built in 1820 has been removed, but thanks to a local man, won’t be lost or forgotten. The nearly 200-year-old gem, which...
Mantua Township News
Mantua Twp. - After calling the August 1st Mantua Township Trustees meeting to order, Chairman Jason Carlton introduced new Zoning Inspector Mr. John Dickey to township residents. Mr. Dickey is a Hiram resident with a varied background of work experience, including heating, ventilation and home contracting. He replaces Tierney...
Hiram Village News
Hiram - After calling the July 30th Special Village Council meeting to order, Mayor Lou Bertrand took the opportunity to recognize the EMS crew responsible for the 2012 Save of the Year Award. The EMS responders recognized were: Chief Bill Byers, Assistant Chief Mark Kozak, Captain Gary Bott, Firefighter...
Crestwood School News
At a special board meeting held last week, the Crestwood Local School Board voted unanimously to hire Michelle Gerbrick as the new Principal at Crestwood Intermediate School. Superintendent David Toth recommended Gerbrick for the position, sharing that her extensive background in instructional leadership, especially in technology would make her...