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Mantua Township Happenings


Mantua Twp. – At the recent Mantua Township trustees’ meeting, Zoning Inspector John Dickey recommended that the trustees consider passing a resolution covering residential nuisances including abandoned vehicles, property upkeep, and the like, as many area Townships have done. He shared this recommendation with the Township’s legal council, who will investigate for potential consideration by the Trustees. In addition, Mr. Dickey noted that several zoning forms currently posted on the website need to be updated. He’ll work with Vic Grimm to make the necessary changes, which will be posted to the township website by Jason Carlton.

In a previous meeting, trustees discussed the possibility of using previously allotted hours in order for the Regional Planning Office to conduct a feasibility study pertaining to usage of the Center School building. The annex of the building has been updated according to required codes, and is currently available for rental. The rest of the building will require additional work and additional funds. Prior to making an investment, the Trustees would like input from township residents.

Meanwhile, Linda Ehlert, speaking for the Mantua Historical Society and The Mantua Restoration Society, Inc. pledged up to $800 per organization to repair and replace cupola and shutters on the Township Hall. In addition, the groups have procured a commitment of 15 gallons of paint at no cost and the remaining amount for purchase at 50% off per gallon. Also, they have procured a donation of primer and painting supplies from Lowes to be used on the Township Hall.

Carole Pollard, on behalf of The Mantua Restoration Society, Inc., presented an offer from Steve Coon, of Coon Restoration and Sealants in Canton. Mr. Coon’s company proposes to pressure wash loose paint from wood siding and trim, caulk wood where needed and supply all necessary labor and equipment to paint the exterior of Mantua Township Hall at no charge to the Township. The community will supply the paint.  In return, Mr. Coon has requested that the Township apply the savings into a fund specifically for Mantua Center School. Mr. Coon is on the board of Heritage Ohio, and owns 30 historic buildings. He was part of the renovation of the Terminal Tower in Cleveland.  The Trustees will meet with Mr. Coon to discuss the specifics of his offer to the Township.

In other news, Brian Tayerle of the Road Department reported that his crew is finishing the last of the road patching and roadside mowing. He discussed the cost of having Portage County engineers handle a grading project on part of Old Frost Road, which prompted lengthy discussions about the cost-effectiveness of selling the township grader and relying on county engineers for their services. No final decision was made at this time.

Lastly, Frank Horak updated the Trustees on progress to the Mantua Veterans Memorial. He reported that the electricity was placed for the flagpole lights and approved by Portage County. The cement has been done, and grass has been seeded. The pump and the cannon have been sanded, painted and bolted to their new cement pads. He requested a copy of the GPS coordinates and other historical documentation, to be placed in a time capsule located at the memorial. The group plans to have the memorial ready for dedication in 2014, potentially as a part of the Township’s Memorial Day observances.

The next Mantua Township Trustees meeting will be help on September 19th at 7:30 pm in the Township Hall.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography