Home Authors Posts by Denise Bly

Denise Bly

Denise Bly

Windham Township Trustee News

Windham Twp. - The Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting with all pertinent folks in attendance. The meeting was called to order. The trustees approved the minutes and expenditures for the month of October. There were no guests willing to speak, so they moved on to roads....

Windham Village Council News

Windham - Windham Village Council met for their regularly scheduled meeting recently, with all council members in attendance. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Scott Garrett. Fiscal Officer Cheree Taylor presented the financial report.  Year to date, the village has collected $365,560.18 in income taxes. The expenditures for...


Windham - The WVFD Fire Board met recently with all board members in attendance. Board members are chairperson Cindy Cale, Brian Miller and Jake Bowden. The fiscal officer is Jenn Derthick.  The meeting was called to order and the board approved the minutes, and expenditures, before opening up the...

Windham Village Council News

Windham - The Windham Village Council met recently with all members of council in attendance. The meeting was called to order and the minutes from the previous meeting along with two special meetings were approved.   In finance, Cheree Taylor reported the village collected income tax, year to date, $308,899.38. The...

Windham Township News

Windham Twp. - Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly-scheduled meeting with all trustees, fiscal officer, zoning inspector and a guest who was there to observe in attendance. The trustees approved the minutes, expenditures and bank reconciliation before recognizing any guests who would like to address the board. There were...

Garrettsville Summerfest 2021 is in the Books

Garrettsville - Garrettsville Summerfest brought back the “Fun in 2021” with a reloaded edition of the festival. They had a date change to help raise funds for the annual summer event that was forced to be put on hiatus last year. After a year off, everyone was ready to get...

WVFD Meeting

Windham - The WVFD board met recently with two of the three members in attendance, along with two fire fighters, the chief and the fiscal officer. The board held two meetings; the first was to approve the proposed 2022 budget and the second was their regularly-scheduled business meeting.  In the...

Garrettsville Summerfest Announces What’s “Hot” at the Festival

Garrettsville - Garrettsville Summerfest Committee has been busy trying to put together a great festival after taking a year hiatus. They have chosen a theme of “Back To Fun In 2021.”  After the year off, they are more than ready to get “Back to Fun in 2021!”  The 2021...

Garrettsville Summerfest Committee Announces Michelle Zivoder as Grand Marshal

This year, the Summerfest committee has selected Michelle Zivoder as Grand Marshal for the parade and festivities. Zivoder has accepted under protest as she puts it. "I prefer to hang out behind the scenes, rather than front and center.” The committee thinks her numerous contributions to the community are...

Windham BOE Fills Vacancies Before School Starts

Windham - Windham Board of Education (BOE) met for their regularly scheduled meeting recently with one board member absent. The meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance recited before board president Mandy Berardinelli turned the floor over to guest John Harris of the Portage County District...

Windham Township Trustee News

Windham Twp. -  Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting with two of the three trustees in attendance. The trustees approved the minutes, expenditures and bank reconciliation before moving on to guests.  Guest John Harris, Director of the Portage County District Library (PCDL), was there to promote a...

Windham Village Council News

Windham - Windham Village Council met for their regularly scheduled meeting on June 22, 2021 with all but one council member in attendance. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Scott Garrett.   The fiscal officer, Cheree Taylor, reported that they had collected $221,648.77 in income taxes this year to...

Garrettsville Idol Semi-Finalists for 2021 Announced

Garrettsville Summerfest recently held their auditions for Garrettsville Idol. Due to the pandemic, the committee felt it was better to do the first round of auditions virtually. Contestants were to upload a video of themselves singing acapella a song of their own choosing. The judges, Wendi Brown, Jackie Rinearson and...

The WVFD Board Looks at Ambulance Options

Windham - The Windham WVFD Board met with all board members in attendance. The board approved the usual housekeeping measures, before opening the floor up to guests. Jim Bishop from Fallsway equipment joined the meeting and explained how routine maintenance on the equipment would save money in the long...

Windham Township News

Windham Twp - Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly-scheduled meeting, with a budget meeting prior to it. In the budget meeting, Fiscal Officer Casey Timmons presented the budget for 2022. After answering questions and going over it, the trustees unanimously approved the budget for 2022. Trustee Brian Miller reported...

Providing Hope for Recovery in Windham

Windham - For years, Ted St. John had a dream. Some might say a lofty one, but nonetheless, a dream. He dreamed of seeing a residential recovery house for substance abuse in Portage County. His vision of a residential recovery house is well on the way to fruition. He’s...

Windham Village Council News

Windham - The Windham Village Council met recently with all the members of council in attendance. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Scott Garrett. Council members are President Lawrence (Mac) Cunningham, Cheryl Belknap, Cindy Cale, Cheryl Taylor, Terrie Altiere and Sherri Pennington. The village administrator is Deborah...

Windham School Board News

Windham - The Windham Board of Education (BOE) met for their regularly scheduled meeting with two members in attendance and two via Zoom. One member was absent. BOE President Mandy Berardinelli called the meeting to order. In the president’s report, Berardinell reported that National Honor Society (NHS) Jr/Sr. high inductions...

Windham Village Council News

Windham - Windham Village Council met recently with all board members in attendance. President Lawrence Cunningham reported that the work on Center Street was completed. He also reported that he and Cheryl Belknap walked the village sidewalks and were taking note of the areas that needed repair or replacement. The...

Windham Schools News

Windham - Windham Board of Education (BOE) met in person recently with all but one member in attendance. After the usual Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence, BOE President Mandy Berardinelli reported that track, baseball and softball practices have started. She also reported that the student run food pantry...

Windham Township Trustee News

Windham Twp. - Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly-scheduled meeting recently with all trustees, fiscal officer and zoning inspector in attendance. The trustees are as follows: Chairperson Danny Burns, Brian Miller and Rich Gano. The fiscal officer is Casey Timmons and Joe Pinti is the zoning inspector. The meeting...

Windham School Board News

Windham - The Windham Board of Education (BOE) met recently with a quorum of members in attendance. The minutes and financial reports for the month of January were approved as presented. Superintendent Aireane Curtis reported that, Thursday would be the day the staff was scheduled for COVID vaccine if they...

WVFD Hires Grant Writer

Windham - The WVFD met for their regularly scheduled meeting via Zoom with one board member absent. The chairman of the board, Cindy Cale called the meeting to order and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The board approved the minutes and expenditures for the month of January before moving...

Windham Township News

Windham Twp. - Windham Township’s year is off to a good start.  The road crew is doing a fantastic job keeping the roads cleaned. The crew will install a culvert on Horn Road as soon as they can. The road supervisor, Brian Miller said they are keeping a close...

Windham Board of Education News

Windham - The Windham Board of Education (BOE) met with one board member physically attending and the rest through video. After reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, President Mandy Berardinelli reported that the giving tree gave out help for 60 families during the Christmas season. The student food pantry will...

Windham Trustees Select Burns as Chairman

Windham Twp. - Windham Township Trustees met recently with all trustees, fiscal officer and zoning inspector in attendance. The meeting was called to order by Fiscal Officer Casey Timmons, because the chairman of the board had not been determined before the new year. Brian Miller nominated Danny Burns as...

Windham School Board News

Windham - Windham Board of Education (BOE) held their most recent meeting via Zoom due to the high COVID-19 numbers. They had all board members in attendance, along with the superintendent and the treasurer. A discussion was held on an Ohio house bill that looks good initially, but when...

Windham Council Meets Through Zoom

Windham - Windham Village Council voted at the recent meeting to continue to hold their meetings via Zoom until July 2021. Council has had some members with Covid-19 and village employees with it as well. The financial report was given. Taxes collected this year are $396,019.34, and expenditures for...

WVFD is the Recipient of Township’s Cares Act Money

Windham - Windham WVFD held their regularly scheduled meeting recently with half of the board attending physically and the other half attending via Zoom. The meeting was called to order and the board approved the minutes and expenditures, before moving on to the chief’s report. Chief Rich Gano reported that...

Windham Village Council Approves Truck Purchase

Windham - The Windham Village Council met via Zoom for their regularly scheduled meeting on October 27, 2020 with all council members in attendance. Council approved the minutes from the September 22, 2020 regular meeting and three special meetings on 10.05/2020, 10/13/2020 and 10/15/2020. Council accepted and approved the fiscal report...

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