Home Portage County Windham Council Meets Through Zoom

Windham Council Meets Through Zoom


Windham – Windham Village Council voted at the recent meeting to continue to hold their meetings via Zoom until July 2021. Council has had some members with Covid-19 and village employees with it as well. The financial report was given. Taxes collected this year are $396,019.34, and expenditures for October were $207,449.35, leaving a balance of $1,857,662.04 as of October 31, 2020. Council voted to approve this report.

In the council president’s report, Terrie Altiere had nothing to report other than wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and suggesting everyone follow the CDC guidelines for family gatherings.

Mayor Scott Garrett thanked council members who organized the surprise recognition of Dr. Peng’s 40 years of service to Windham residents.

Council then voted to sub grant $20,000 of their COVID-19 Cares Act monies to the Windham Volunteer Fire District (WVFD) to be used for COVID-19 related expenses. The WVFD had voted to use the funds for additional turn-out gear. Speaking of COVID-19, the village adopted a COVID-19 policy for their employees, including the police. They are following the CDC guidelines and expect their employees to comply. Failure to comply will result in, first offense, verbal warning, second offense, written warning, third offense, a chat with the mayor, fourth offense suspension without pay, fifth offense, possible termination. The village expects masks to be worn, handwashing regularly and sanitizing methods to be followed. The police chief was concerned about the coming in contact with someone with COVID-19 that could result in a quarantine situation as the current policy is written. He claims, if that was the case, they wouldn’t have any police coverage or fire and EMS if they followed the policy as it is written. Their staff isn’t big enough to cover for those who need to be quarantined for possible exposure especially if they had been exposed to it from the public. Council made some adjustments to the policy and decided to go with known exposure to the virus along with symptoms of COVID-19 required 14 days quarantine.

A resident who seems to have a hoarding issue has been cited by the village under the nuisance clause of their zoning code. Family members were in Zoom attendance to help try to resolve the issue. The family is working on cleaning up the residence. The village will work with the family but will also have a judge issue an order with a time line. After a long discussion, council agreed to have the solicitor file it with the courts. Council adjourned to an executive session to discuss hiring of two part-time police officers. After returning from executive session, they voted to hire two part-time police officers. The meeting was adjourned after the vote was taken.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography