Home News Windham Village Retires Polichena’s Badge

Windham Village Retires Polichena’s Badge


Windham – The Windham Village Council meeting took on a sober note this past Tuesday as council retired the late dispatcher, Len Polichena’s badge number during the February council meeting.

Polichena,-Sandusky-006The meeting was called to order. The minutes from the January meeting were corrected and are expected to be approved at the March meeting once the corrections are made.  Following the minutes being tabled, acting Police Chief Eric Breiding presented Michael Polichena, one of Len Polichena’s sons a plaque honoring his father, by retiring his badge, number 726.  Council took a brief intermission to speak with the family and to take photos.

Council resumed the session and carried on business as usual. Council approved the fiscal report and passed Ordinance 0-2014-7 as emergency measure.  Ordinance O-2014-7 is an ordinance authorizing transfers and appropriations for the village of Windham, and declaring an emergency.  They also held a first read on Resolution 2014-7 establishing the proportionate contributions between and among various funds for the payment of the mortgage, utilities, and other costs associated with the village purchase, maintenance, and ongoing expenses of 9083 North Main Street, in Windham.

Council held a second read on Resolution 2014-3 allowing the internet sale of unneeded, unfit or obsolete equipment or personal property including motor vehicles and equipment owned by the Village of Windham and a second read on a Ordinance O-2014-8 imposing a $50 fee for emergency water shut off. Both of these second reads will be voted on at the March council meeting.

Lastly, council approved the appointment of Tom Brett as zoning inspector for the village.

Council meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7pm in council chambers.


Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography