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Tag: Things to Do

“Mary Poppins” arrives at Geauga Lyric Theater!

Charon - Magic is in store for Geauga Lyric Theater, as it presents “Mary Poppins” as its holiday show. Running December 4-20, directed by John Krol, this classic musical is already bringing joy to its cast. Ryan Peterson, last seen on the GLTG stage as part of the barbershop quartet...

Upcoming Community Events | Week of December 4th, 2015

Am. Legion Breakfast Mondays Legion Aux Post 674 in Windham will serve breakfast on Monday mornings from 7- 11 am $7.00 for full menu; $5.00 for limited; Includes coffee, juice and water. Everyone welcome ! BINGO! Thursdays St. Michael’s Church at 9736 East Center Street in Windham, OH holds bingo every Thursday in the church...

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