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Rotary Report


After their  wild, bacchanalian Christmas party, the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians have their noses back to the grindstone and have launched their new year’s first round of community projects.  With Delores McCumbers presiding, the January 7 meeting  began with discussion of district organizational meetings coming up and who will be attending them.  There was a review of the  Santa Visitation Project…with pictures.  Jim Irwin is pursuing a fund-raising project involving providing placemats to local food-service establishments; community businesses and organizations–their products and services– will be featured.

Family Week is gearing up for another great time of community participation and fellowship.  There will be the expected contests and prizes, sponsored by Middlefield Bank, McCumbers-Brady Realty, Dairy Queen and the Portage County District Library, among others.  Grandparents Night is another popular feature to be on tap, as is the opening Music Festival; interested musicians & entertainers of every variety are being recruited (Contact Delores McCumbers at McCumbers-Brady Realty to sign up).  Carolyn Miller is acting as liaison with the Windham Schools to encourage participation.  Talk is on-going    concerning a memorial moment for the late, great Roy Pancost, who was always such a great supporter of the project and such a well-received performer at the music festival.

Hallie Higgins will be the next program presenter on January 14.

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary meets at 5:30 on Monday in the Hiram College Dining Hall; join them.


Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography