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MSFD Board News


At the last Mantua-Shalersville Fire Board meeting, Chief Matt Roosa shared that the department would once again be participating in the Safety Town program at Crestwood Primary School. During the special week focused on teaching kindergarteners how to be safe at school, on the bus, and at home, representatives from the department will share fire safety practices. In addition, students will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with firefighter gear and vehicles up close. Later in the month, firefighters will return to CPS to cover fire safety tips with first and second graders during Fire Prevention Week.

During his report, Chief Roosa shared that all the full-time firefighter spots had been filled and that three of the five part-time hires had already begun work at the station. He informed the Fire Board that straps on a vehicle fuel tank were replaced, and that air conditioning units at the station have been fixed and that lighting is in the process of being repaired, as well. He shared that the new squad on order is on schedule for delivery in November. In other news, he reported that Assistant Chief Chris Mullins is in the process of reviewing the part-time contract, and those negotiations are going well.

Lastly, Fiscal Officer Ashlee Hawkins shared that the Fire District’s Quarterly Audit meeting would be held prior to the first Fire Board meeting in September, on Monday, September 11th at 6 pm at the station; residents are encouraged to attend.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography