Home Other Areas Mantua Village Garden Club starts its 78th Year

Mantua Village Garden Club starts its 78th Year


Mantua – The Mantua Village Garden Club, which was founded in 1935, kicked off it’s first meeting of 2013 at the home of Lea Lazar, with Helen Etling as hostess.  Ten members shared in the noon pot luck luncheon, along with Mark Occhionero, owner of Top Garden Products, in Mentor.

Mark, who is an Organic Nutrient Specialist, presented a program on lighting and nutrients, as well as sharing his extensive plant knowledge.  Mark also brought specimens of his National Award winning Kohleria Manchu (a cousin of the African Violet), a variety which he developed, to share with the club members.  A short business meeting followed.  This year’s officers are Diane Lottig, president, Lea Lazar, vice president, Lois Eisele, secretary, and Helen Etling, treasurer.

This year, the meetings are scheduled to be held on the first Mondays of the month, at noon, including pot luck luncheons (unless otherwise noted).  The next meeting will be on April 8, at the home of Carol Fenrich.  Carol will be assisted by her co-hostess, Jean Thomas.  After lunch, and the business meeting, the members will be car pooling out to Eagle Creek Wholesale, on Asbury Rd., for a 45 minute tour.  April is the month when all of the spring flowers are in, and blooming, at their greenhouse.  They promise us a glorious visual display, which will get us itching to get out to our gardens.

The programs in place for 2013 are full of great gardening information, food and fun. The club is also planning its annual plant sale for May 18th. If you would like to join the garden club, or just come to a meeting to check it out, please call Diane Lottig 330-274-2868, or Lea Lazar 330-274-0614.


Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography