Home News Calling All Local Artists….

Calling All Local Artists….


We want YOU!  The Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is once again rolling out our annual Rain Barrel Yard Art Campaign.   A rain barrel is a container used to capture and store rainwater from your rooftop that would otherwise be lost to runoff and diverted to a storm drain or onto your property.  The water collected in a rain barrel can then be used for watering gardens and flowerbeds.  In addition, harvesting rainwater reduces soil erosion, flooding, and nonpoint source pollution.  The Geauga SWCD will temporarily loan out these recycled 55-gallon plastic barrels to a limited number of local artists willing to donate their talent and time by transforming these rain barrels into beautiful, functional yard art.  A $25 deposit will be required from new participants.

Decorated rain barrels will then be displayed throughout the county and at various events.  Bidding will take place at these locations and online, followed by the final barrel sales at the Geauga SWCD Annual Meeting on October 24, 2013.  All proceeds will go toward the District’s environmental education programs.  Here’s your chance to showcase your talent while helping to protect our water resources.

Don’t delay… pick up your rain barrel today!  Barrels can be picked up between 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Monday through Friday at the Geauga SWCD office, 14269 Claridon-Troy Road, Burton, Ohio 44021.  We are located in the Patterson Center at the Geauga County Fairgrounds.  All barrels must be returned to the District on or before Friday June 7, 2013.

For more information, visit our website at www.geaugaswcd.com or contact Gail Prunty at (440) 834-1122 x 2 or gprunty@geaugaswcd.com.



Anton Albert Photography