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Youth Bowling News


Kim Wampler had come close to bowling a 200 game before but never quite made it.  When she did hit the 200 mark, however, she hit it with force. A 234 game.   Kim called her grandfather right after the game; any readers who follow area bowling know her grandfather, Nick Butcher, a legend in the local bowling arena.  Kim’s teammate Jessica Potteiger had a 210 game on the day, and had by far the highest series of the day with 552.  Kim and Jess are both eighth-graders at Garfield.

Noah Shannon proved that his new bowling ball was a good investment – Noah had games of 145, 158, and 169, for a 472 series, 94 pins over his series average.  Other good games in the 11:00 Trio League were Kurt Bokesch, 169 (57 pins over average), Austin Sledz, 101 (45 pins over), and Belladonna Titschinger, 117 (41 pins over), Jaret Doraski, 164 (31 pins over), and Shannon Kerr, 124 (30 pins over).

In the 9:00 Trio League, Alex Evans shot 126 her first game, 56 pins over her average.  She continued with games of 74 and 97 for a 297 series, which put her 87 pins over for the day.  Eric Lawless also bowled over average all three games with 90, 98, and 124 for a nice 312 series.   Ashleigh Quiggle’s 138 game was 39 pins over average, and Cassie Painley was 30 pins over her 83 average with a 113 game.

High game for the 9:00 Pee Wee League was Travis Horner with 103.  Paige Collins hit the 100 mark again this week with a 100 game.  Mackenzie Zembower shot 98, Isaac Trickett had 96, and Kalen Caris had 95.

In the 11:00 PeeWee League, high games was Lucas Muncy with a nice 104 game.  Other good games were Katie Fazi, 95 and Kenny Mangan with 91.

Next Saturday is the last day to qualify for the Pepsi tournament.   Bowlers must be present in order to qualify; no pre-bowl scores count toward Pepsi qualifying.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography