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Youth Bowling News


Kassie Fedor’s 387 was the high series last week for the 9:00 Trio League.   Kassie just edged out Eric Lawless who shot 377.  Star of the week was Wilson Jackson.  Wilson was 111 pins over his average of 72, with games of 119, 114, and 94.  Eric Schaefer was also over average all three games.  Eric’s average is 58 but he rolled games of 87, 82 and 87, 82 pins over average for the day.  Other good games:  Clark Jackson, 136 (47 over), Travis Horner, 123 (34 over), Nathan Phillips, 139 (34 over), Austin Wise, 117 (30 over), and Matt Hale, 112 (27 over).

In the 11:00 Trio League, Zachary Britton had the top series with 519.  Zach rolled games of 158, 198, and 163, putting him an amazing 162 pins over average for the day.  Ryan Ambler bowled the top game with 204.  Other nice games were rolled by Ali Franklin, 163 (44 over), Courtney Lytle, 143 (39 over), Andrew Morrissey, 155 (39 over), Jacob Tanner, 144 (38 over), Adam Tanner, 181 (38 over), Joey Ewell, 149 (33 over), and Nathan Pallotto, 127 (26 over).
A number of Pee Wee bowlers topped the 100 mark last week.  High game was Brooklynn Horner with 108.  Owen Norris was right behind with 107, and Tessa Burnworth tossed a 102.
In the Teen Texas Shoot-Out, Dustin Tushar tossed the high game with a 243.  Dustin also had the top series with 598.  Right behind him was Ryan Ambler with a 583 series; Ryan’s high game was 216.  Other good games:  Kim Wampler, 186, Chase Zupancic, 187, and Jessica Potteiger, 195.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography