Home Columns & Editorials WWJD – Your Package Will Arrive Tomorrow

WWJD – Your Package Will Arrive Tomorrow


That may be true for now if you are a “Prime” member but I predict that soon a more costly “Prime +” will be available when Amazon no longer has the resources (workers) to deliver “RIGHT NOW”! This is only a prediction on my part; Amazon will extract a high price for that service but there will always be those that “Must have it now” and are willing to pay!

The supply chain is broken and it will never be the same as it was pre pandemic and there are a lot of people to blame. Another prediction; it will get a lot worse since the “green dream” will make fossil fuels a lot more expensive and diesel fuel is already in short supply.

I am not predicting a toilet paper shortage since millions of people purchased a ten year supply when the pandemic hit and thousands bought bidets! I have no clue what the next shortage will be but every time I go to the grocery store there are a few empty shelves and price hikes are a daily occurrence! Where is Alan Greenspan when you need him? (Fed chair under Reagan).

Cars you could have purchased 2 years ago for $2,000. below sticker price are now selling for $2,000 to $5,000 above the already inflated sticker price and the dealer wants you to kiss his grits in the process!
The airline industry that encouraged pilots to retire during the pandemic is either cancelling flights or pricing them into the ionosphere! I can hardly wait for Boing to unveil their battery powered 737B airliner so that the airlines can’t charge a fuel surcharge any longer; I am being facetious here in case you don’t recognize my sarcasm and my attempt at humor!

I am certain (but I have been wrong at times) that most people have heard of “supply side economics” or at least “supply & demand” so I am calling for a moratorium on spending. Stop purchasing anything you can live without and then reevaluate the things you think you can’t live without…trust me you will survive without the useless crap in your life for 3 months. That is all it will take for prices to plummet as store shelves overflow and dealership lots fill up!

If you must shop; shop at the American Cancer Society store or your local thrift shop or consignment store; you will be amazed at the bargains!

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography