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WWJD: The Maiden Voyage


Brio would not get into his carrier and he dislikes being picked up and carried so the next step was to attach his leash and walk him to the van! He pulled a Houdini and slipped right out of it; thank goodness that did not happen someplace where the noisy world would have spooked him into doing a runner!
I drove to the pet shop and purchased him a collar and he let me fit him with no argument; he is a very docile and gentile creature for certain!

After a hectic day of packing and preparing the house for my absence, I decided to take a nap and deal with Brio latter! I awoke at 2:30 AM and felt invigorated and excited about the trip so I finished locking down the house, picked Brio up and carried him to his new home and off we drove in the pouring rain! There wasn’t a soul on the road and I liked that since I needed to get a bit more familiar with this van and how it functioned on the road and yes how it would do in the monsoons!

The van handled surprisingly well and I was pleased; no issues as we left the colder climate with the anticipation of warm beaches and sunny skies for the next several weeks in our future! It has poured for the last three days with only a few sunny hours to speak of; in like a lion out like a lamb is what I am hoping for!

Brio has turned out to be the perfect travel buddy! He spends most of his time looking out the window watching the world go by when he is not exploring every inch of the van. Most things are in plastic bins or drawers so he can’t get hurt and exploring keeps him busy! I was afraid he would be making noises all night keeping this light sleeper awake; however he has been relatively quiet but finding a quiet place to park for the night has been a real challenge! Semi-trucks make an incredible racket as they speed down the highway with their tires rumbling a deafening tune! Rest areas are not ideal and most Cracker Barrels are located so close to off ramps that highway noise is ever present!

Talking about things being in bins; I am quickly learning that it is not only what you bring but how and where you store it that matters! I am forever searching for this or that and when we get a sunny day on some beach; plans are to rearrange things to better suite my travel needs.

Brio did not use his litter box for over two and a half days and I was afraid I would find “tootsie Rolls” hidden in some corner of the van; fortunately he got over his travel shock and is using it regularly!
Today’s weather report calls for sunny skies and 65 degrees so I am encouraged at the prospect of drying out and enjoying some sunshine!

I am signing out from Daytona Beach Florida; more updates to follow!
Copyright © Joe Novak 1/26/2023


Anton Albert Photography