Home Columns & Editorials WWJD: Finding A Place To Park

WWJD: Finding A Place To Park


When you’re a “nomad” traveling in a camper van finding a place to park for the night can get tricky; by “tricky” I mean difficult or down right impossible! I am currently in the Florida Keys and most businesses as well as land owners are not keen on letting people sleep on their property. Sure, there are rest stops just off the main route but they are loud and that makes sleeping difficult!

There are some places that will allow you to overnight park but they have bright lights and traffic passing through ‘til late at night. If you’re lucky you can find a back corner of a lot away from the traffic and spot lights and get a good night’s sleep; or get the dreaded “knock” where local law enforcement tells you to move along! Seldom do they ticket you but it is possible!

I joined “Harvest Host” an organization that has properties (hosts) around the country that will allow you to park on their land free; most are businesses that expect you to support them with a small purchase; seems fair; however there is none here in the Keys!

I did luck out and find a beach where I can chill-out with friendly people during the day, swim or sunbath and nobody has asked me to leave! Problem is, there is no overnight parking. I switch between Veteran’s Memorial Park and Sombrero Beach in Marathon Florida. Both are great beaches with facilities and Sombrero has shaded parking for part of the day and showers to wash the sand off!

I am not a prude by any means however I am miffed at the lack of fabric in today’s women’s swimwear. There are parents that allow their daughters to wear bathing suits I would not allow my daughter to wear in our house, let alone on a public beach! Enough said about that subject lest I get censored by my editor.
Eight out of ten days have been quite windy here in the Keys and it is enjoyable unless you lose your favorite hat! A constant breeze keeps me from running the air conditioner in the van, saving on fuel. The fuel costs have been similar to the cost at home with the occasional bargain found!

I have booked a cruise from March 4th to the 11th so I will not be returning north ’til after that adventure is over. My niece and her family are taking on the task of watching Brio my Maine Coon cat until I get back; he has stolen their hearts so it will not be a dreaded chore!

I must find places and things to do till my cruise ship departs port. Being a beach bum is new to me but I think I can master it with just a few more days in the sun and sand!
Copyright© Joe Novak 2/8/2023

Staff Reporter