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Windham – The WVFD Fire District met for their regularly scheduled meeting recently, with one member absent from the board.
The board approved the minutes and expenditures. They opened the floor up to anyone who would like to speak. There were no pre-approved guests to speak. An employee wants to go to medic school and would like the board to pay for it. After some discussion on the issue, the board tabled this until the next meeting.

In the chief’s report, he reported that there were 499 calls, year-to-date (September 30, 2020). They had 31 responses in September, one fire, one hazardous condition, one false alarm, and two car accidents. They transported 20 people out of the 31 calls. Nineteen of those transports went to UH Portage Medical Center and one went to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Warren. Out of the 31 responses, 25 went to the village and 6 went to the township. The average response time was 3 minutes and 22 seconds
Chief Rich Gano presented a quote for First Net. If the district can get out of its current contract with Verizon, he’d like the board to consider going with First Net Broad Band Network. This network offers 24/7 support 365 days a year. They have a team that monitors it to ensure the Apps, devices and connections are secure. The cost would be $110 a month for the four lines, plus an activation fee credit of $300 which they qualify for. The cost of each tablet is $139 for two, plus two AT&T Elite Express MIFI Devices free. AT&T will also give a buy back proposal on current equipment. No decision was made on the issue, until they know if they can get out of the Verizon contract.

Gano reported that truck 2817 had brakes go out on it which were repaired, along with the U-joints, totaling $1021.49. Ambulance 2812 was scheduled to leave on Monday, October 12, 2020 to be re-boxed. A loaner ambulance will be used while this one is getting re-boxed. The board approved the activation of the MARCs radios which will cost $960/year. They started the annual pump tests on the trucks. Truck 2813 had a leak at the strainer, which is now fixed.

The Firehouse software went down and payroll was messed up due to that. Talked about payroll sheets being signed by each employee then signed by chief. The district is trying to find a better way to make payroll easier.
The chief continues to look for grants and will apply as they open.

Windham Township sub-granted their remaining balance of their Cares Act monies to the WVFD Fire District. They (the township) could either sub-grant it or give it back. They chose to sub-grant it to a cause that is in great need. The fire district will use that money toward the re-boxing cost of the ambulance. This might free up enough money to purchase a power cot.
A discussion was held on purchasing a UV light for sanitation purposes. There was no decision made on this issue. The board adjourned to an executive session. There being no further business to discuss, they adjourned the meeting after the executive session.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography