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Windham – The WVFD Joint Fire Board met for their regularly scheduled meeting recently.  The board members are Cheryl Taylor, Brian Miller, and Ron Kilgore. Jayme Neikirk is the fiscal officer for the board. The chairman of the board, Ron Kilgore called the meeting to order. One board member was not in attendance. The board approved the following measures, the January minutes, bank reconciliation, the expenditures, and the permanent appropriations of $636,500 for 2019. They also approved the opening of a money market account and to allow the fiscal officer to move money from it as needed.

In the chief’s report, Chief Rich Gano reported that they are still having communication issues. He has contacted B&C Communications and hasn’t been satisfied with their service and demanded they be addressed. B&C Communications are willing to assess the issue and look for solutions. 

Gano also reported that they were denied the MARCS Grant for a new communication system. He stated that no one in the county received it and he will apply for the grant again next year.

 Squad 2812 was sent in for a coolant leak repair and has been returned. The cost of the repair was $1906. The chief said he is exploring options for a plow for  truck 2817 as they have had issues getting to houses in the deep snow. A plow would allow them to get the squads in unplowed drives faster. It will also be used to plow the fire station driveway. He found one for $4800 installed through the state purchasing program. The board took the suggestion under advisement. 

The department did receive the $1000 PEP Grant. Gano ordered two fire extinguishers, four new LED lights, 15 safety vests, and one CO/smoke detector with the PEP Grant.

 The department just received 20 donated Scott Air Packs. The donated equipment is newer than what they are currently using. The board accepted the donation. The donation was from Troy Township Fire Department. Troy asked that we give them two of our old ones. The board agreed to their request. Gano stated that the district would need to update their system in order to use/fill the tanks at a cost of $800. The board also approved that measure.

 A discussion was held about an unresolved issue with Community Ambulance. The board agreed to set up a meeting with Community Ambulance’s board to resolve the issue. 

The chief presented four new applicants to the board. The board approved all of them with a 90 day probationary period. Gano said he received the signed tuition agreement with Kayleigh Upole for schooling. Gano stated that he informed her that if she didn’t complete the course, failed the course or failed to fulfill the service requirement she will have to repay the tuition. If she fails to repay the tuition, the board will seek legal action. Gano said she understood the requirement.

 A discussion was held on whether to add a third person on the midnight shift. They also held discussions on a new light bar for truck 2817. The firemen will install it so there would be no installation fee. The board approved the purchase.

 Lastly, Brian Miller stated he had a Myers plow that might work and he would donate it if it will fit. The firemen said they would check it out.

 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography