Home Windham WVFD Meeting

WVFD Meeting


Windham – The WVFD board met recently with two of the three members in attendance, along with two fire fighters, the chief and the fiscal officer. The board held two meetings; the first was to approve the proposed 2022 budget and the second was their regularly-scheduled business meeting. 

In the first meeting, the fiscal officer presented the proposed budget for 2022. After reviewing it, the trustees approve the measure. 

 The second was the regular business meeting. It was called to order by chairwoman Cindy Cale, followed by the board approving the minutes and the expenditures, before moving on to guests. 

They opened up the floor for guests to speak.  One fire fighter brought concerns to the board about not having fire fighters on staff 24/7 at the station. The fire fighters would like to make sure that there are two people available to take a truck out. Both are concerned that not having staff at the station is a safety issue. Right now, the district just staffs for EMS services. If they are dual carded, (certified in both fire and EMS) then it might be staffed with those who can fight fires, otherwise probably not.  The district is working to have all new hires dual carded when hired or shortly afterwards.

Another fire fighter voiced his opinion on how he and fellow staff members felt about the content of the ethics class they were paid to take. They felt it was more for administration than for employees.  Cindy Cale said, she felt there was valuable information in the class for both groups, especially since they are in the public eye.

In the chief’s report, Chief Rich Gano reported that they had the brakes on truck 2815 fixed and truck 2813 needs tie rods.  There have been 358 calls year to date (6/30/21).  For the month of June, there were 43 EMS calls, one fire and three motor vehicle accidents. The district transported 35 patients and, sadly, had one DOA.  They transported 32 to UH Portage Medical Center and three to St. Joes in Warren. The responses were broken down thus:  27 in the village and 22 in the township and four calls to Braceville. June’s average response time was 4 minutes and 13 seconds.  The current staffing is three paramedics, two intermediate EMT’s, 17 basic EMT’s and two with just a fire fighter card.

Note: there are several that are certified in both EMS and firefighting, the two listed are two men who are fire fighters only.

The chief reported that they had received the EMS Grant for $3429. There is a list of what it can be spent on and the chief’s staff is looking at the list to see what is needed. The district did not get the Firehouse Subs Grant and he will reapply for it. He reported that he hadn’t heard from the grant that they applied for with Parkman Fire Department yet. 

A discussion was held on costs of replacing ambulances verses re-boxing them; nothing was decided on it. The board agreed to send Chaz Hoskins to fire school at the cost of $1075. The chief said, he was going to try to set up a meeting with Eric Breiding on the protocol on “pink slipping” patients. Pink slipping is giving the power to involuntarily commit a mentally unstable person to a person other than a judge. The two-page form is pink, declares that a person presents a risk of physical harm to themselves or others and would benefit from hospital treatment.  

In new business, board member Brian Miller said, the township trustees met with the mayor of Windham and a council member to discuss the difference in financial support from the village and the township. Miller states the township pays about $60,000 more per year than the village, while the village residents use the services more than the township residents. The difference in funding comes from higher property values in the township than the village. Mayor said, he would get all the figures and present it to council. The board adjourned to executive session for personnel matters. 

There being no further business to discuss and no decisions to be made the board adjourned immediately following the executive session.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography