Home Portage County WVFD March Meeting Report

WVFD March Meeting Report


Windham – The WVFD Fire Board met for their regularly scheduled meeting with all members in attendance. Chairman of the board, Ron Kilgore, called the meeting to order. The board then approved the minutes, expenditures and the bank reconciliation for the month of February.

In the chief’s report, Chief Rich Gano reported that there were 102 calls as of March 1,2019. Other notable stats for the month of February: 36 EMS calls, two hazardous conditions, two fire, two false alarm drops, six severe weather, two vehicle accidents. They transported 30 to area hospitals. The department had 29 calls to the village, 18 to the township and one to Camp JAG. The average response time is five minutes and .04 seconds.

A discussion was held on meeting with Community Ambulance Board members to discuss billing matters. Brian Miller talked with some of the board members and he will try to get a meeting set up between the two boards.

The village is currently using the electricity at the fire station for back-up to their speed camera. After some discussion the board agreed that the village needs to use the electricity at the old police station instead of the fire district.

The chief recommended that the board send Dale Martin to 240 fire school at the cost of $1500. Gano said he thinks the EMS Grant will reimburse them for the schooling. Martin is a paramedic and would like to be available for fires as well. The board agreed that cross training is a good idea and approved the measure.
Gano asked the board if they could buy a storage barn to store lawn equipment, extra chairs and tables etc. An estimated cost was given and the board agreed to allow the purchase of a shed and set a budget of $3500.

They are still waiting on a response from B&C communications about a possible antenna on top of the water tower. They are also waiting on a response from Camp JAG on a new contract. The board approved Chad Goldberg as an applicant and he will be on probation for 90 days. They also accepted the resignation of Virginia Miller.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. The fire board meets on the second Thursday of each month at the fire station at 7pm.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography