Home Other Areas WVFD Joint Fire District Plans Open House, Increases Staffed Hours

WVFD Joint Fire District Plans Open House, Increases Staffed Hours


Windham – The Windham Fire Department open house is planned for Sunday October, 9th from 9am – 1pm in conjunction with the start of Fire Prevention Week. There is a planned health fair; helicopter demonstration, 50/50 raffle, safety literature and lunch will be provided.

In other district news, the Fire Board meeting, the Fire Board evaluated the station staffing program that began in March of this year. It was unanimously voted to extend staffing hours to 8pm, seven days a week through the end of this year, when the program will be re-evaluated.

Recently 3 members graduated EMT Basic School and are now state-certified.

The district was awarded a State of Ohio EMS grant. With those monies we will be sending 3 members to EMT Basic School and 2 members to Advanced EMT School – This will bring our total to 21 trained members for EMS calls.

We were also awarded the Community Grant from the Wal Mart Corporation, we will be purchasing equipment with these funds without using tax payers’ dollars.

Several specialized trainings have been held for department members included vehicle extrication, Hazard Materials training and emergency driving.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography