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WVFD Joint Fire District News


Windham – The WVFD Joint Fire District Board met for their regularly scheduled meeting on February 14, 2013 at the fire station. The entire board and fiscal officer were in attendance. The board approved the minutes, the expenditures, yearly appropriations of $623,413 and the monthly bank reconciliation before moving on to the chief’s report.

Fire Chief Mike Iwanyckyj reported that truck 2811 was in for injector repairs. While the truck was in for the injectors he had the pump repaired as well. The truck was out of warranty so it cost the district $4000.

The chief presented an invoice for equipment purchase from Warren Fire, the equipment listed on the invoice are two lights —  a 10” and a 15”, — four Scott Air Pak bottles, two sets of turn out gear, two helmets, and a Harrington Siamese valve for  the fire hoses. The cost for the equipment is about $7641. The board approved the expenditure.

The board approved Joe Smith’s bid for flooring in the chief’s office. The flooring bid, included labor and materials, is expected to cost $650.

Officials from Camp Ravenna have inquired about renting a rescue squad and two medics for a weekend in April for maneuvers. The chief presented the request to the board. The board suggested obtaining some figures from neighboring departments on what it would cost for a squad to be posted on the facility for the two days from neighboring departments to see what they charge for doing similar services to establish a base rate.

Board Member Dann Timmons questioned the status of the knox box issue with the Camp Ravenna.  The chief said Camp Ravenna is still exploring other methods for the fire department to have access to the facility when there is an emergency at the camp. The chief said he suggested using an easy pass card like they have on the turnpike; Camp Ravenna is also looking into keypads as well. Nothing has been decided on the issue.

Lastly, a question was asked on whether the fire board had received a formal notice from the Village of Windham on the possibility of outsourcing dispatching services. Timmons said they had not received any official notice on the issue. The board was also asked if they had set monies aside in the budget for dispatching if they (the Village) outsource the service. Timmons again said they have money they can use to pay for dispatching but if they continue to have to pay for dispatching it will prevent them from updating safety vehicles.  (When the district was formed part of the agreement was that the village would provide the dispatching free-of –charge for 10 years, the budget was established with the dispatching services being provided.)

In order to fund dispatching the board will have to use monies set aside for large equipment purchases. In the past the board has purchased one ambulance every five years to keep from having outdated equipment. By replacing one every five years, it leaves the district with ambulances no older than 10 years. Timmons also said if they have to fund dispatching they will, but in order to continue to operate as they have, they would have to increase the millage on the ballot when the 4 mills they currently operate on expires, something, none of the board members want to do.

The Joint Fire District meets on the second Thursday of each month at the fire station at 7pm.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography