Home News Windham Village Places Two levies on November Ballot

Windham Village Places Two levies on November Ballot


Windham – Windham Village will place two levies on the ballot this fall. The first one  is a 1.38 mill levy that is expected to generate $25,000 for the parks and recreation. The second levy is a .83 mill levy that is expected to generate $15,000 to continue subsidizing the Portage County District Library (PCDL, Windham branch only.

The first levy, Resolution R-2014-19 will be primarily used to improve and maintain the park; however Mayor Rob Donham did say some of the funds may go to renovating the community center as well. This is a five year levy that will begin in 2015 if passed.

The second levy, Resolution, R-2014-18 is to help the village keep their commitment to the Library. The Village is already subsidizing the Windham Branch of the PCDL. They currently pay $2400 / quarter towards the Library’s rent at the Renaissance Center and have agreed to go to a percentage rate rather than a flat rate.  Earlier this year, the library asked if the village would help with the increasing costs by going to a percentage rate rather than the flat rate. The village agreed to do so up to a 5% maximum increase.  The levy is for five years and will begin to generate funds in 2015 if passed.

Next, council voted to memorialize the village’s policy on subsidizing the Windham branch of the PCDL. All this resolution does is to have the subsidizing of the PCDL in writing for the records.

Other council actions were accepting of the resignation of Jay Estabrook from the police department and the hiring of Larry Shackelford as part-time specialist for the water and sewer department. They also approved the minutes, expenditures and bank reconciliation for June. The liquor license transfer at Windham Tavern was also approved along with Ordinance O-2014-17, that would establish and revise the salaries of and wages of all full-time and part-time employees within the village.  A discussion on the proposed Ordinance O-2014-18 that would adjust the water rate for those in the village was held. The ordinance was on a first read.

The village council meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at Village hall at 7pm.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography