Home News Windham Village places a .5% tax increase on the Ballot

Windham Village places a .5% tax increase on the Ballot


Windham – Windham Village Council met for their regularly scheduled meeting last week with all but one council member present.  The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rob Donham. Council approved the amended agenda, finance report, and minutes from previous two meetings, with one meeting being a special meeting. The fiscal officer announced he would be unavailable for the August meeting, after some discussion council voted to change the regular meeting date to Wednesday August 29, 2012 at 7pm in council chambers.

A motion was made to accept the dispatchers, police, rescue squad and fire report. After some council members objected to voting on a document they had not received, the matter was tabled until the next meeting. Police Chief Gene Fixler was unsure why all the council members had not received the report, as they were all placed in council member’s boxes at the village office and they should have received them.

Council approved Ordinance O-2012-27 declaring it necessary in order to continue to provide services in the Village of Windham to increase the village income tax by .5% effective January 1, 2013 and repealing all prior inconsistent ordinances. Mayor Rob Donham said it would raise the village tax from 1.5% to 2 % which is consistent with neighboring villages. Following the approval of this measure, council also approved to place the .5% tax increase on the November 6, 2012 ballot.

Ordinance O-2011-42 an ordinance establishing an employee’s handbook remained on the table, as the issue still needs more work. Phil Snyder Chairman of the Safety, Personnel and Rules (SPR) requested a work session for August 13, 2012 at 6pm to work on the handbook. Council approved the request.

Council approved the appointment of Neal Hilbruner as an unpaid civilian auxiliary officer of the Windham Police Department. They also approved the training of Jennifer Berdella as part-time dispatcher for the police department. Once successful training has been completed a formal request for employment status will be requested. Jennifer is currently an unpaid civilian officer for the police department.

The Windham Village Council meets regularly on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7pm; however the August meeting has been changed to Wednesday August 29, 2012 at 7PM in council chambers.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography