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Windham Village Council News


Windham – Windham Village Council met recently with all board members in attendance.

President Lawrence Cunningham reported that the work on Center Street was completed. He also reported that he and Cheryl Belknap walked the village sidewalks and were taking note of the areas that needed repair or replacement. The hydrant work is finalized and the village and township clean-up days are April 23 & 24th (Friday and Saturday) or until dumpsters are full.

The council received a letter from the township requesting a meeting. The members are unsure as to what the meeting is about. One suggested that it might be about fire district finances. Council asked their fire board representative Cindy Cale about the letter and she said she wasn’t sure what it was about as it came from the township and not the fire board. A discussion on the probable reason for the meeting was held. Council believes it might be about balancing the finances between the two entities (village and township). The Village Administrator Deborah Blewitt said she needs to see the figures. She also reminded council that the village pays for any water the fire district uses and she thinks the village has been more than fair with the fire district. Council said they’d wait for a second letter before addressing the issue.

Mayor Scott Garrett wanted to thank whoever put the tribute to Maruf on the digital sign. It was a great gesture. Maruf was the owner of the former Sparkle Market when it was in Windham. He donated many things to community, clubs and the school. He was always willing to help folks out who needed it. Maruf passed away recently, leaving a hole in the hearts of the community. He will be sorely missed.

In finance, Cheree Taylor reported that the amount of taxes the village has collected year to date (02/28/2021) was $74,397.07. The expenditures for the month of February were $124,597.34 with all funds reconciled at $1,736,558.77. Council approved the report. Council then approved the fire, rescue and police dispatcher’s report as well.

Ordinance O-2021-5, An ordinance authorizing ratification the actions of the village administrator and confirming the sale of various parcels of real estate owned by the village, but no longer needed for municipal purpose and declaring an emergency. After a suspension of the rules, a vote was taken and they approved the measure.

Council approved the permanent appropriations of for the 2021 year. They also approved Resolution R-2021-4, ratifying the application for and subsequent acceptance of grant funds by the Village of Windham and declaring an emergency.

Resolution R-2021-5, a resolution authorizing a contract with the Portage County Public Defender for defense of indigent persons charged with criminal offences under the village ordinances was also passed.

A discussion was held on new rules and regulations for rental of Community Center. It was reported that they have rental agreements already in place and need to set a date of effect for the new rules. A date of July 1, 2021 was set. They also set a minimum of four hours for security. They will use off-duty Windham police at $25/ hour. A question was asked about paying a council member to clean the Community Center after it is used until July 1, 2021 when the new rules go into effect. Village Solicitor Tom Reitz said, they can’t pay a council member to do that. The member said, that’s fine, she would just donate her time. A discussion was held on enforcing ordinances on yards that are unkempt. Letters would be sent and they would have five days to comply. Police will enforce it. If they remain out of compliance, they will be turned over to the prosecutor. It was noted that the village can’t enforce the junk car ordinance until July 1, 2021 since the state has extended the time to get vehicles registration up to date due to pandemic. Council members who are available will help school get informational pamphlets out about the levy.

Tom Reitz updated council on the Big Pharma law suit, and discussed the issue of remote meetings verses in-person. Reitz suggested they wait another month as he wants a little more time for his Covid shot to work. Council agreed to remote meeting in April and will consider in person meetings at the April meeting. Council adjourned to executive session. with no decisions being made. Council reconvened and then adjourned the regular meeting.

Denise Bly