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Windham Village Council News


Windham – The Windham Village Council met recently via Zoom with all village council members in attendance. Zoning Inspector Tom Brett was excused for personal reasons. 

They added 10.4 to the agenda, the hiring of part- time police officer Jeff Scott.

Council approved the minutes and the financial report as presented by fiscal officer Cheree Taylor. Income tax collected for the month of August was $341,207.15, The month’s expenditures were $120,572.82, leaving a balance of $1,722,743.50 in the checking account.

In the Mayor’s correspondence and reports, Mayor Scott Garrett reported that he’d like to thank Elizabeth Derthick for all the work she did on getting people to register for the census.  She used her own laptop to help people fill out their census forms.

Resolution R-2020-19 A resolution authorizing a contract with Brennen, Manna and, Diamond LLC, along with Reitz, Paul and Shorr for the pending Purdue Pharma L.P. bankruptcy. This was an emergency measure that allows council to vote to suspend the rules and approve the measure. 

They next approved Ordinance O-2020-21 an ordinance amending section 521.08– littering and deposit of garbage, rubbish, junk, etc. Also, section 1341.03, the responsibilities of the owners and occupants of residences. 

Council approved the hiring of part- time police officer, Jeff Scott effective October 1, 2020.

In economic development, Mac (Lawrence) Cunningham presented Resolution R-2020-13 a resolution adopting the Windham Village land use plan. The measure was approved unanimously.  

In Parks and Recreation, Sherri Pennington reported that they are currently working on next year’s (2021) Fall Festival. This year’s was cancelled due to COVID. Pennington stated that  they had a meeting recently and will schedule another one soon.

The solicitor, Tom Reitz reported that he filed a complaint about junk and other issues on a Center Street residence. After going thru the proper channels, a search warrant was issued. He, along with the fire chief, village housing inspector, and Portage County Health Department, went to determine if the building was fit for human habitation. After inspecting it, they determined that the residence was not fit for habitation and the residents would have to vacate in 60 days. Since their inspection, they discovered that the resident had transferred the title to someone else. The existing order to vacate still applies.

Council discussed several ideas for a safe Halloween for the kids. Some ideas tossed around were trunk or treat, make up baggies and have city officials pass them out and drive thru trick or treat, and where to hold it. In the end, council decided they would do a donation collection for candy and then they would make up bags of candy and the police department and fire department would help pass them out. They would do this on October 28, 2020 for township and village residents only. Donations of candy will be accepted at the village offices Monday – Friday during regular business hours.

Council adjourned for an executive session on pending litigation. Meeting was adjourned following the executive session.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography