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Windham Village Council News


Windham – Windham Village Council met for their regularly scheduled meeting through Zoom. All council members, the mayor, fiscal officer, solicitor and administrator were logged in for the meeting. Mayor Scott Garrett called the meeting to order, following the public hearing on the budget. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Council approved the minutes from the April meeting. Fiscal Officer Cheree Taylor, presented the financial report. Cheree Taylor also reported that all funds reconciled were $1,618,712.38. Council, later unanimously approved the bank reconciliation. 

Resolution R-2020-9 is the proposed budget for next year. They budgeted a 3% increase in revenue and a 3% increase in expenditures. The vote was unanimous and the proposed budget will be sent to the auditor. Council approved the notification to RITA, to eliminate the quarterly payments and to wave the penalty for those who haven’t made quarterly tax payments. This measure is in effect until further notice. Council approved the resolution R-2020-10 which is applying for funds for COVID-19 expenses. The funds will be distributed from the county level to local municipalities. Funds not used will have to be returned. All funds used must be for COVID-19 related expenses.

Council, then voted unanimously to retain Tom Reitz as solicitor for another year.

Council had a first read on a draft that will give administrative authority over unkept privately owned property that is used by the public, that fails to maintain parking lots and entry ways. This will force businesses to maintain parking lots and entry ways or the village will do it for them for a cost. 

In parks and recreation, Sherry Pennington reported that she has sought out two contractors for bids on installation of the teeter totter at the park. When she gets the bids, she will present them to council.

In the Solicitor’s Report, Tom Reitz reported that the lawsuit against the village from the high school reunion has been settled by the insurance company for $7,500. The village will be responsible for the deductible.

Council approved the use of the community center for AA, as their usual place of meeting is being redesigned for more offices. They were meeting in the old council chambers that Piccone medicine is remodeling for their use.

Cindy Cale reported that Mrs. Tina Brown gave accolades to the fire department for all they did for her husband.

After a discussion on if the meeting would be a physical meeting next month, it was determined they would do another zoom meeting in July. They will evaluate the space at the community center, and see what the governor is saying about meetings, before making a decision at the July meeting on future meetings. The meeting was adjourned.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography