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Windham Village Council News


Windham – The Windham Village Council met recently with all members of council in attendance. The meeting was called to order and the minutes from the previous meeting along with two special meetings were approved. 

 In finance, Cheree Taylor reported the village collected income tax, year to date, $308,899.38. The expenditures for the month of July were $184,511.68, with no checks voided during the month. The all funds reconciliation has  for the month of July is $1,889,689.95. Council approved the report unanimously.

The police, fire, and dispatch report was given by Cindy Cale and approved by council.

In the mayor’s correspondence, Mayor Scott Garrett had this to say, with rising Covid cases, council may have to return to Zoom meetings in the future. Legal Counsel Tom Reitz reported that currently that isn’t even an option. The Ohio Revised Code (ORC) only allowed an emergency temporary use of Zoom for public meetings and the temporary use expired in July 2021. Unless the Ohio legislature passes new legislation on the issue, Zoom meetings can’t be held.

 John Harris from the Portage County Library District (PCLD) was in attendance to speak on the Issue 1 on the November ballot. Issue 1 is a 1 mill levy for the PCLD. The levy will cost an average $35 per / $100,000, of home value a year. The levy is for the general operating fund.  The monies will be used to expand library hours and services across the district. When questioned about the expansion of hours at the Windham branch Harris said, yes, across the district. How will that work? Will Windham Library branch be relocated, was asked, Harris said, that was a discussion for another day, after the levy is passed.

Ordinance O-2021-16 An Ordinance authorizing and approving the sale of 9621 East Center Street, Windham, Oh. to Picone Family Medicine LLC.  Prior to passing this ordinance, it was brought to the attention of the board that it had an easement with Windham Exempted Village Schools for use of the drive that’s there. The drive isn’t part of the property, its owned by the school district. A good part of the parking lot is also property belonging to the school.  Council approved the measure, pending parking lot and drive easement issue is resolved. This was approved on a first read.

Ordinance 2021-11 Authorizing the abating of the rents initially established in the Ordinance O-2012-49 and establishing the amount of rent to be paid by the Water Revenue Fund and Sewer Revenue Fund to the General Fund for the use of municipal property on which both plants are located.

Council passed Resolutions R-2021-11 on a third read. The resolution authorizes the adoption of the Portage County Multijurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. They also passed Resolution R-2021-15, a resolution authorizing the village fiscal officer to certify the following sums to the Portage County Auditor to be assessed and collected as delinquent water and sewer rents totaling $132.41 as set forth. They also passed Resolutions R-2021-17 and Resolution R-2021-18. Resolution R-2021-17 is basically turning over delinquent licensing fees for rental units to the auditor to be assessed to their property taxes. The amount is $19,611. Resolution R- 2021-18 is assessing lawn mowing fees ($2750) to property owner’s taxes. The fees are for those who chose not to mow lawn and the village had contracted it out to be mowed.  Resolution R-2021-10 is a resolution authorizing the mayor and fiscal officer to enter into an agreement with Windham Exempted Village Schools to sell salt.  

Ordinance 2021-17 is an amendment to section 555.02 on weeds and cut grass; basically, yards must be trimmed and mowed. This including back yards, side yards and empty lots. The grass can’t exceed 8”. If a resident receives one notice and fails to keep property maintained at 8” or less village will mow it and assess their taxes without further warning or notices. Residents will receive one warning notice/ year. This was a first read and verbiage of the ordinance will be adjusted because it was written with ambiguous language.

 Resolution R-2021-16 authorizes the mayor and the fiscal officer to enter into a cooperative agreement for construction of the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Phase II improvement project. This cooperative is with the Village of Windham and the Ohio Water Development Authority. The authorization was passed as an emergency measure. The resolution is about updating the scalic system, replacing valves and compressors and improving their alarm system and more.

In Economic Development, Lawrence “Mac” Cunningham reported that he is working with Ohio Edison to get street lights working and lights working in the park as well.

In Parks and Recreation, Sherri Pennington reported that the Fall Festival will be held in the park, not in the street this year. The planning for the event is ongoing. The event is planned for September 24, 2021. There will be the traditional chili cook off, corn hole tournament and more. They also plan on having fireworks as well. 

The next Village Council meeting will be held September 28 2021 at 7 pm in council chambers.

Denise Bly