Home Portage County Windham Village Council Approves Truck Purchase

Windham Village Council Approves Truck Purchase


Windham – The Windham Village Council met via Zoom for their regularly scheduled meeting on October 27, 2020 with all council members in attendance.

Council approved the minutes from the September 22, 2020 regular meeting and three special meetings on 10.05/2020, 10/13/2020 and 10/15/2020.

Council accepted and approved the fiscal report and bank reconciliation leaving a balance of $1,828,375.61 as of September 30, 2020.

 The also approved and accepted the fire, rescue and police dispatchers report as presented by Cindy Cale.

The mayor reminded everyone that they were doing trick or treat at the elementary school on Wednesday from 5-7pm. Residents dropped off candy at village hall and the administration bagged up candy for the kids. The administration bagged the candy using safety precautions of wearing masks and gloves for the task. The fire and police along with city administrators will pass out the candy to the youngsters. Mayor Scott Garrett thanked all those who helped with the candy bagging and reminded everyone to exercise their right to vote on or before November 3, 2020.

 Resolution R-2020-20 a resolution authorizing the sale of the Ford 1995 F-80. After a suspension of the rules and declaring an emergency, council approved the measure on the first read.

 A resolution R-2020-21 authorizing the purchase of a 2020 Ford F-250 truck. Council approved the measure on the first read, after declaring and emergency.

An ordinance, O-2020-21 amending section 521.80 regarding littering, garbage, etc. and the responsibilities of owners and tenants. This measure passed unanimously. They also passed an Ordinance O-2020-19, which prohibits the tampering or interfering with water meters.

There were no reports from Service Committee, Economic Development, and Parks and Recreation committees. They, then amended ordinance, O-2020-20 regarding fence requirements.

Topics discussed were a huge hole in Community Drive that needs attention, the village administrator said, they were aware of the problem and are working on it. A council member asked where they were with income tax collection. Fiscal officer Cheree Taylor reported, that Income tax collection was slightly ahead of the amount collected last year at this time.

It was announced that if residents are having issues with paying their bills, they can ask for help and council will use the Care Act monies to help them out. They discussed the need for a board of zoning appeals meeting for variances hearings that need to be scheduled. Two variances were scheduled, one for signage at Windbrook and a variance for the new senior housing that’s being proposed.

There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography