Home News Windham Village Continues Search For Police Chief

Windham Village Continues Search For Police Chief


Windham – Windham Village Council met for their regularly scheduled meeting last Tuesday with all council members present. The first item on the agenda was to approve the hiring of a police chief. Council unanimously approved the hiring of a police chief only to have the candidate withdraw his name later in the week. So the committee is continuing to search for the best candidate for the position.

In other council news the council voted to approve an $800 a month subsidy to the Windham branch of the Portage County District Library (PCDL) as they relocate to another facility within the village limits. PCDL Director Cecilia Swanson thanked council for their continued support of the library and hopes to announce their new location soon.

Council also approved an ordinance that would adjust water and sewer rates that will be effective in January 1, 2011. Residents will see the adjustments on their February bills. The changes were made to promote conservation and to reduce the minimum requirement of gallon usage to 1000 gallons. This would be most beneficial to those who have one or two folks living in a household and to those who practice conservation.

Pastor Fred Youngen from Windham Bible Church (WBC) asked to speak before council. Pastor Fred announced and invited members of council and the community to a question -and-answer session about the connection of WBC and the Renaissance Family Center (RFC). He stated that there was plenty of misinformation out there and they would hold an open question-and -answer session. He gave a brief report on the recent food give-a-way, stating they had helped 225 families and gave away 14,000 lbs. of food. The food give-a-way was done in conjunction with the Salvation Army by providing the facility for the distribution and  also providing some of the volunteers. Youngen then extended an invitation to council and visitors to the Community Thanksgiving Dinner being planned for Thanksgiving Day.

In other news a resident was concerned about fracturing methods the gas well companies would use and wanted to know if they would be using the water and sand method rather than the chemical method. She was concerned about environmental damage and water contamination issues. The mayor stated that at this time they haven’t put any restrictions on what method the drillers could use. He also stated that they thoroughly researched the company they are using and they are one of the biggest in the country and have an excellent reputation. The village council meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7pm in council chambers

Staff Reporter