Home Portage County Windham Trustees Purchase a Generator with NOPEC Grant

Windham Trustees Purchase a Generator with NOPEC Grant


Windham Twp. – The Windham Township trustees met on July 8, 2019; the meeting date change was due to the Fourth of July holiday. 

The road supervisor Brian Miller reported that they didn’t have a date yet for the chip and sealing of the town hall roads. He did say they may start the patching as early as next week.

A resident requested that the trustees look at a water issue at the four corners, near Shanks Rd. Prior to looking at the area, they will have to clear out the weeds and such, so they can see what the issue is. They will check out the situation and see what can be done. 

A discussion was held about the condition of Brosius Road. They were trying to determine how to best maintain the road that would be cost effective. They will look at the cost of cutting and patching, then chip and sealing over the patching before making any decision on the road.

A resident from the area asked the trustees about a water drainage issue they have been dealing with for some time. After contacting the prosecutor, it was determined that the water issue is up to the property owner to repair. Trustees will go look at it and advise them on what they can do, but its not a township issue. The area is also having problems with folks rolling thru stop signs and kid issues as well. Rich Gano stated that he would contact the county and see if the signage they have up in the area are  properly placed etc. They also said, they’d see if the sheriff will cruise by there more often.

In cemetery news, Gano reported that he had a quote for solving the drainage issue in section F but will need at least one more quote before moving forward. Currently, the cemetery has 31 available graves; once the drainage issue is resolved there will be room for about 50 more. 

 Gano presented a bill for a damaged headstone that apparently was hit and chipped when digging a grave. They will remind the workers to be more careful because it was a costly mistake. The cost of the stone is covered under township’s insurance policy. 

In zoning, Joe Pinti reported that one permit was written for a deck for the month of June. He also sold a book on the township resolutions. Last month, he issued a stop work order, due to not having the proper permits. The proper permits were secured and the work was allowed to proceed. Pinti asked about getting weatherproof, stop-work order tags. Gano said the Weekly Villager can do that for him.  The property located at 10164 State Route 82 had the demolition completed but he is unsure what the pile of bricks left behind is about. He will check that out. Demolition completed on Gotham Road. The area was seeded and straw placed over the seeds but the rain may have washed some of the seeds away. They will have to wait and see. The land bank will hold on to that land for three years before they will release it to be sold. 

 In other zoning news, the land bank is being very selective on which demolition projects they are taking on. The trustees were informed they’d need to write a letter on why it’s so important to have the property at 9107 State Route 82 demolished. The letter needs to inform the land bank of the safety concerns the structure poses to the public. 

The resident at 9507 Crestview has cleaned up the debris in their yard but Pinti wants to treat  the standing water on top of the cover of the unused swimming pool which provides a breeding location for mosquitoes.

The fire district had a battery explode on the tanker and the squads are going through more batteries than they should. Both these issues will be checked out. The garage door was repaired and the new shed is up and water sealed. Gano also reported that they have some equipment they no longer use that he will put up for sale on the government sale site.

In new business, Danny Burns reported that the generator will not need a concrete slab so they can proceed with the installation. They have reached out to a contractor and got bids for installing a generator, along with updating lights to LED, putting electricity in the new building, three -four outlets on the outside of building, installing basement transfer switch, regrounding  hot water heater, running a gas line for generator (township will dig holes), and lighting in the salt shed.  All this, including the cost of the generator ($4300), will be $9320. The money for this project is coming from the NOPEC grant. This leaves a $670 balance that they will apply towards the purchase of a new hot water heater. The township will be responsible for picking up the generator and any digging that might be needed.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography