Home Other Areas Windham Trustees Organize For New Year

Windham Trustees Organize For New Year


Windham Twp. – The Windham Township Trustees met for their first meeting of the year recently. The first item on the agenda was to appoint the chairman and vice-chairman of the board. After some discussion, the board voted unanimously to have Dann Timmons retain the chairman position and Brian Miller retain his vice-chairman position as well. The board also voted to retain Attorney Mark Finamore as the township’s legal council. In other appointments the trustees appointed Brian Miller to represent them on the Regional Planning Commission and Rich Gano as the alternate representative to the commission. They also appointed Dann Timmons and the Fiscal Officer Jayme Neikirk as the Records Retention Committee.  All the trustees, Jayme Neikirk and resident Suzanne Viebranz will serve  on the Audit Committee.  The Records Retention Committee is usually comprised of the chairman of the board and the fiscal officer, while the Audit Committee usually is comprised of the all the trustees, fiscal officer and a community representative. The board then adopted a resolution for temporary appropriations for the New Year until the actual figures come in from the county auditor.

Dann Timmons, the board’s representative to the fire board, announced that Ron Kilgore will continue to serve as the township’s resident representative on the board and Scott Garrett will be the village council representative to the board. The other fire board members are  Dann Timmons, Don Altiere, and George Bengtson.

Zoning Inspector Rich Gano stated that he has developed a new zoning procedure form for folks who apply for agriculture structures and would like the board to consider adopting a policy on the issue. Mr. Timmons thought the idea was a good one but he needs to check to see if the trustees have the authority to adopt such a policy. In other zoning news, the board announced they would hold a public meeting on the proposed zoning changes on February 3, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. at the town hall prior to the regular monthly meeting.

Township Road Supervisor Rich Gano stated that the roads were in good shape and there were 26 burials at the cemetery this year. He also stated that they have been able to add more plots at the old cemetery by using the fill dirt that was donated to the township.

In other board news, they are still working on the NOPEC Grant,  it will be presented at the next meeting and Mr. Timmons stated that he sent the letter of support to the Solid Waste District (S.W.D.) so the S.W.D. can apply for a grant to help with the cost of tire recycling. Finally, the trustee decided they only need to meet once a month rather than two so they have set the regular meeting date as the first Thursday of each month at 7 pm at the town hall. All meetings are opened to the public.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography