Home Portage County Windham Township Trustee News

Windham Township Trustee News


Windham Township Trustees met for their first meeting of the year with all trustees and fiscal officer in attendance. The trustees chose Danny Burns as their chairman and Brian Miller as the vice chairman. The trustees approved the minutes, expenditures, and the allowed mileage reimbursement of $.57.5/ mile. They then, certified the road mileage of the township which is 9.369 miles.

In roads, Brian Miller reported that they got their truck back from the repair shop and the cost was more than expected, but the trustees were OK with it. Miller said a lot of preventive maintenance was done. By doing it now, there is less of a chance that the truck will break down in the middle of a snow storm. Miller reported that they were all ready for the snow.

In cemetery news, Rich Gano reported that the McManis stone was replaced and set to the family’s specifications. Danny Burns reported that he is searching for grants for roads in the new cemetery. Regional planning is getting a grant writer that will be able to help them write grants.
In zoning, Zoning Inspector Joe Pinti reported that there were no permits written for the month of December. Pinti stated that he dropped off variance papers at Mr. Shackleford’s and advised Mr. Byler on his variance that he has applied for. For the year of 2019, Pinti wrote 12 permits, two mylars, and one temporary housing permit.

In other news, the trustees gave their employees a $.50 raise and gave the zoning inspector a $50/ month raise. Lastly, the fiscal officer gave the oath of office to Casey Timmons. Timmons will take over the fiscal officer position on March 31, 2020.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography