Home Portage County Windham Township Trustee News

Windham Township Trustee News


Windham Twp. – The Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting on November 2, 2017 with all members in attendance. The meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited before getting down to business.

The minutes and expenditures were approved as presented.

In roads, Brian Miller said he had researched the cost for a culvert to be placed near the Barker residence. The cost will be less than $500, so it was voted to proceed with the purchase and installation of the culvert. A resident on Horn Road has purchased two culverts and needs the township to install them. The township will coordinate their schedule with the landowner and get them installed.

Miller also reported that the salt and grit for the roads are in the shed.

In cemetery news, the board looked at several samples of neighboring township’s cemetery rules and regulations. After looking them over, it was decided that they need more information before establishing any new rules. Items they need more clarity on were how to enforce the rules, stone size and type, graveside decorations, etc.

It was also recommended that the cemetery workers write the name of the person in the grave on the foundations, so headstones get placed on the right grave. The fiscal officer asked what electricity the township was using at the cemetery, since the bill has increased significantly. Danny Burns will check with the power company and see why it has gone up so much, since they are only running two lights and a refrigerator there.

In zoning, the inspector, Joe Pinti, wrote zero permits for the month of October. He reported that the 9088 Horn Road property will be demolished in the four to six weeks. NDS will hold the land for four years and they will also maintain it during that time. Pinti reported that he needs to visit the Gotham Road property and will need a trustee to go with him. Burns said he would be available this weekend to do that. The property owner on Silica Sand Road that received a violation notice has notified Pinti that he has completed the requirements. Pinti will do a follow-up on it.

A complaint about a gas well being too close to the property line and out-buildings was received. After contacting the townships legal counsel on the issue, it was determined that currently the trustees have no control over where gas wells are located. Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) handles that.

A zoning violation letter will be sent to a landowner about the noisy dirt bikes, citing the nuisance clause in the zoning code as the reason. When something infringes on a neighboring property owner’s ability to enjoy their property, it is considered a nuisance.

In the fire report, Rich Gano reported that there were some plumbing issues at the fire station that needed addressing. The water heater needed replacement, new commercial faucet was ordered (old one leaked) and clogged drains needed opening. All issues were resolved. The community message board was progressing. Maplewood did a lot of the work saving a significant amount of money. The cost of the board is being divided up among the school, fire district, township and village.

A discussion was held on whether to tape minutes for the meetings. No decision was made on the issue.

New business, Brian Miller reported that the 2004 Ford truck will need to be replaced soon. Miller suggested that they start looking for one now. The fiscal officer reminded them that if they decided to purchase a truck, some of the roads they want to do next year won’t be financially possible. With that in mind, they will price out a truck before making a decision. They will also look into whether to sell the old truck or just trade it in.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography