Home News Windham Township Trustee News

Windham Township Trustee News


Windham Twp. – The Windham Township Trustees met for a regular meeting on July 31, 2014 in the Windham Township Hall with trustees Dann Timmons, Brian Miller and Richard Gano present. The Fiscal Officer was absent.

The reason for having a regular meeting that was not at the usual time was to open bids for the chip and seal of Colton Road. The only bid received was from H. Luli Construction Company of Mogadore, Ohio for $25,822.92. The trustees expressed their pleasure that the bid came in slightly less than expected and they accepted the bid by unanimous vote.

In other road issues, Dann Timmons reported that Dale Soinski had completed the site for the cul~de-sac at the end of Frasier Road and is now waiting for pavement. Once the county engineers issues  final approval, the process to make the land donated by Mr. Soinski and the new construction part of the dedicated road will continue. Mr. Timmons also announced that Mr. Soinski indicated that he intends to place a gate on the vacated portion of the road to deter trespassing.

In zoning, Zoning Inspector Joe Pinti reported he will be posting his hours of availability on the township website when it is completed. In addition, he and Richard Gano are working on updating zoning forms to be more user-friendly. He will also be researching a potential zoning violation where the landowner may be using an unauthorized manufactured home as a residence. Finally, the board is still waiting for answers concerning funding  the removal of two non-residential buildings in the township that are in very poor condition and pose potential safety threats.

Richard Gano announced that Larry Cogley has completed his presentation concerning drainage in the cemetery and will be presenting it to the trustees at an upcoming meeting.

Dann Timmons announced that the fire district has not made any decisions concerning possible action since the Village of Windham terminated dispatching after agreeing to provide the service to the fire district through 2019. The inaction of the board stems from two members,himself and the village council representative,  having conflict of interest, and the unavailability of one board member due to illness. That one board member was George Bengtson who, sadly, just passed away. It is now the responsibility of the village council to name a village resident as his replacement. After discussions with the assistant prosecutor, Mr. Timmons suggested that the trustees could pass a resolution to waive conflict of interest that would allow Mr. Timmons to participate in the discussion and vote on a course of action by the fire board. Brian Miller and Richard Gano agreed and the resolution was adopted.

In other business, the Ohio National Guard’s Camp Ravenna Joint Military Training Site was selected as one of five possible sites for a missile defense site. The Missile Defense Agency, which operates under the authority of the U.S. Department of Defense, will be briefing local elected officials on August 5, 2014 at Reed Memorial library prior to a meeting open to the public. Brian Miller will attend on behalf of the township.

The Windham Township Trustees meet on the first Thursday of each month at the Windham Township Hall, however, the August meeting has been cancelled. The Trustees will next meet on September 4, 2014 at 7:00 pm.


Anton Albert Photography