Home Windham Windham Township Trustee News

Windham Township Trustee News


Windham Twp. –  Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting with two of the three trustees in attendance. The trustees approved the minutes, expenditures and bank reconciliation before moving on to guests. 

Guest John Harris, Director of the Portage County District Library (PCDL), was there to promote a levy for the district on the November ballot. The 1 mill levy is for 10 years and will cost a homeowner $35/ annually on a $100,000 home. The levy is needed to maintain and expand services. They plan to use some of the levy monies to expand hours at the Windham branch of the PCDL, plus restore Thursday hours at all the branches. The levy would affect all Portage County residents with the exception of Kent and Ravenna, as they fund their own libraries. The PCDL would also like to purchase a bookmobile or similar mobile service opportunity, and add regular mobile services to school districts without a branch location.  The library system would like to double its current outreach to the homebound and assisted living facilities as well.  Another plan, is to work with local communities to determine the possibility of a new branch and increase services and materials at existing branches. The PCDL is also currently trying to secure a grant to up-grade their WIFI system.

Guest Scott Garrett, mayor of Windham Village was there to investigate the letter the township sent the village council. The township wanted to discuss options to fund the fire district in a fair manner. Currently the township pays about $60,000 more a year to the fire district than the village does, due to higher property values, however, 2/3s of the calls go to the village. Garrett said, he would look at the numbers and present it to the council. 

In roads, Brian Miller reported, the employees were busy this month. They mowed the roadsides. In fact, they had to do it twice with all the rain we’ve had. They also power washed the town hall. They had a challenging culvert to install on Horn Road, but got it completed. Miller is working with Joe Leonard from Nelson Township to get a price on chip and seal work on township roads.

In cemetery news, the work crew has to paint the markers and have been busy with the mowing. Trustee Danny Burns said, he received a call on getting a military plaque for someone installed. Burns asked, the caller if they wanted it mounted on a stone or flat, installed on a foundation. The family wasn’t sure and they would get back to him. Burns said, they would need the monument company to install it, if they wanted it on the back of a stone.

In zoning, Joe Pinti reported that  he wrote one permit for an addition and finished the mylar for the land split and consolidation. Pinti said, he had some success with the high grass notices. He said, some complied. The maps that regional planning had been putting together that labels what type each lot is, marks whether they are substandard lots, standard and nonconforming lots. The map cost was less than the township figured as they had plenty of regional planning hours to cover it. The township will pay for laminating a large map to be posted in the town hall.  The cost is looking like it would be $50-$60 instead of $700 like they originally thought the maps would cost. In other zoning news, a resident asked Pinti to check out an out building, he had laid out to make sure the location was within the requirements of the zoning code before applying for a loan for it.

 In new business, the township appropriated $500 for the purchase of tools. They approved a $1000 donation to be used for the National Night Out. The big truck was having some issues that driving it more often in the summer would solve.  The township generally uses this truck for snow removal, so it isn’t used much in the summer. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography