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Windham Township Trustee News


Windham Twp. – Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly-scheduled meeting recently with all trustees, fiscal officer and zoning inspector in attendance. The trustees are as follows: Chairperson Danny Burns, Brian Miller and Rich Gano. The fiscal officer is Casey Timmons and Joe Pinti is the zoning inspector.

The meeting was called to order and the board of trustees approved the minutes, the expenditures, and bank reconciliation.

In roads, the supervisor, Brian Miller reported, that there is a large accumulation of trash along Windham-Parkman Road. Miller said, he’d check with the sheriff and county officials on getting a crew from the jail. Burns stated, he didn’t think they did that any more. Miller said, he would contact Nelson Township for some assistance with the matter, as the trash issue extends through their township as well. Miller said the county is planning a bridge project on Silica Sand this summer, not sure of an exact date. He also asked the county if they would consider looking at chipping and sealing Silica Sand Road, which is a county road.  Miller suggested that the trustees consider chipping and sealing Frazier and Shanks-Down Roads. He also thought Liberty Street needed some attention as well. Burns thought Garrettsville took care of the small section that’s in the township. Miller will reach out to Mayor Rick Patrick of Garrettsville on the issue. Miller inquired about Ohio Public Works Money for the township. So far, none are available yet.

Miller also stated that he talked with Nelson Township Trustee Joe Leonard about chipping and sealing roads. Nelson bought the equipment to chip and seal. They will let Windham use their equipment for a cost, with Windham providing the manpower and the material. Miller also reported, the culvert installation is complete and they also did some ditching work on Horn Road. They removed the deaf child sign on Colton Road as it was no longer relevant to the area. Lastly in roads, the plow crew was called out to plow and salt roads recently. The guys once again did a fantastic job keeping the roads cleaned.

In cemetery news, not too much to report other than the historical outhouse at the cemetery is in need of maintenance. A discussion was held on the issue. They will safety tape it off until they determine what needs to be done. A discussion on the fencing at the new cemetery yielded several possibilities: fix it, tear it down, sell it or whatever.  It was tabled until more information is obtained on the issue.

The zoning report was given by Joe Pinti. There were no permits written during the month of February. Pinti checked in on the family that is building a house and a shed at the same time. They seem to be following the rules there. He turned over another property to the prosecutor for violations of the zoning code and failure to comply with them. Pinti is meeting with Todd Peetz from Regional Planning on a zoning issue about an expansion of a company. The gentlemen who bought the large parcel on Bryant Road were going to split it into four lots for four separate houses butdecided to use it for bee farming instead. At this time, it isn’t known if they will be building a structure there. Questions were raised about a problem property in the township. The inspector stated he’d rather not go back there again because he spent a lot to clean all the mud off his truck after the last trip. He is unsure what all their plans are with the problem property, but with spring arriving, he hopes the clean-up there continues. Burns said he sees the owner in charge of it and he will address this issue. 

The township voted to sub-grant part of their NOPEC Grant monies to the fire district. They voted to sub-grant $1730 to the district for LED lighting. Rich Gano reported, that the re-boxed ambulance was back, the communications system was installed and the vehicle was put back in service. 

Salt has been eating the metal away from the light fixture mounts on one of the township’s service trucks. The trustees agreed to spend $550 for the repair. Gano thanked the township for the flowers and condolences his family received following the death of his mother and his mother-in- law. 

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned

Denise Bly