Home News Windham Township Trustee News

Windham Township Trustee News


Windham Twp. – Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting last Thursday with all trustees and fiscal officer in attendance.

The first item on the agenda was to open the floor to guest who would like to address the board. A resident asked if he could clean up veteran John Decker’s marker and place it where it belongs. The trustees had no problem with the resident doing that. 

In safety, Dann Timmons announced that the firemen’s carnival went well and it appears that WVFD has secured the contract to provide EMS and fire service on the turnpike.

In zoning, Zoning inspector Joe Pinti stated that he made contact with the owner on Colton Road and expects to have issues resolved soon. Pinti also said he had a list of addresses with high grass and would like another week to contact owners before proceeding with any further action. The trustees passed a resolution to  have the grass cut at the addresses and assess the cost to the homeowner’s taxes if owners do not comply within a week. Pinti said he expects no response from four to five of the homeowners as the properties appear to be vacated.

Pinti reported that the two properties on Gotham Road which were supposed to have  illegal mobile homes removed by June 1, 2012 are not in  compliance with the order. The trustees passed a resolution to have the trailers removed and will seek bids to do so. The cost for the removal  of the mobiles will initially come out of the general fund and will be assessed to the owner’s taxes. The trustees feel they have given the homeowners ample time to comply with the zoning code; consequences are now in order.

Pinti also reported that the the resident who had a garage built on the neighbor’s property has resolved the issue by moving the garage. Trustee Brian Miller reported that they have received packets for Ohio Public Works Commission for matching grant money for roads. Miller suggested that they go after monies for Wysteria, Geneva, and Crestview Drives. The board agreed and will submit the application by June 15, 2012.

The trustees passed a resolution to collect 5% royalties from cable providers in the township. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

In the previous meetings the trustees voted unanimously to give township worker Mike Dye a $6500 bonus for his service to the community. In other news, the road maintenance agreement with Freedom Township Trustees has been approved by the prosecutor, so the trustees voted to accept it as written. The contract basically explains which entity maintains what portion of Hewins Road that runs through both townships.

Dale Soinski’s legal counsel Terry Kane addressed the board looking for a commitment from the board on vacating sections B&C of Frazier Road, which the board agreed to do. Kane was advised that he will need to petition the board and have a public meeting on the issue.

The trustees meet on the first Thursday of each month at 7pm at the town hall.

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