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Windham Township News


Windham Twp. – Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly-scheduled meeting with all trustees, fiscal officer, zoning inspector and a guest who was there to observe in attendance.

The trustees approved the minutes, expenditures and bank reconciliation before recognizing any guests who would like to address the board. There were none. 

In roads, Brian Miller reported that they had been mowing roadsides trying to keep weeds down. He also said, the last storm we had caused issues with a culvert. They got right on it and had it replaced the next day. Miller said, he contacted Jason Kline to seal it with asphalt once it settles. Miller also reported that he heard back from Nelson and they decided not to help Windham with their chip and seal projects. The township thanks Joe Leonard for his efforts.

Miller contacted Henry Luli and they bid the chip and seal the job at $29,740. The bid was significantly less than the county, so the trustees approved the hiring of Luli to do the chip and seal of two roads. They will do a single layer of chip and seal on Frazier and Shanks-Down Roads. It is estimated it would be started in a few weeks.

Danny Burns will contact the state to find out why SR 82 paving wasn’t continued on through Windham Twp. The state paved the road from Hiram through Garrettsville but stops near the Windham line.

The trustees had one residential complaint about trees obstructing the sight lines at Wadsworth and State Route 303. The trustees called the state and it’s been taken care of. That particular intersection has visibility issues without trees blocking it.

In cemetery news, Rich Gano reported that all was well at the cemetery. They have mowed and weed-whipped the cemetery. They also weed whipped around pins so graves plots can be seen. Gano stated that the last date to order footers is October 1, 2021.

In zoning, Joe Pinti reported that there were no new permits issued in July. He said, he fielded a lot of calls. He was contacted by a resident on Gotham Road about getting a temporary permit for a storage container. After researching it, he discovered that they can’t do that. According to the prosecutor, in order to permit that, the trustees would have to change some language in their zoning codes. The trustees and Pinti feel that there would be some who would try to make the storage container a permanent structure. Pinti also reported that there was nothing new on the frontage adjustments on lots that were there before zoning. The zoning board is still reviewing it.

The property at 8244 Gotham Road has been bush hogged after neighbors complained about high grass. The neighbors also complained about skunks.

In fire district news, Gano reported they had a truck fixed; it needed tie rods. He also wanted to know if the township would donate some of their regional planning hours for a township map with addresses on it. Many of those at the fire department are not from around here and the GPS tries to send them down a road that isn’t there or the wrong direction on the road. The map will help them learn where the roads are. The trustees agreed to do that. Gano said, the cost is about $120. He reported that there was only a little over $2.00 carry over into next year, so the district’s budget is very tight. The fire district is and has been on a tight budget and is slowly running out of funds.

In old business, it was asked if they heard back from the village yet on fire district funding. The trustees had not. Burns said he would attend their next meeting to see what is going on with that.

 In new business, the township applied for the American Rescue Act Monies. The township qualifies for $194.743.00.  The money comes with restrictions on how it is to be spent and currently all the details on that are not out.

A discussion was held about donating to the Fall Festival for fireworks. The board was split on it. Gano wanted to do it as it benefits the entire community. Burns and Miller want to table it until more information is available on it. The motion was tabled.

There being no further business to attend to, the meeting was adjourned.

Denise Bly